Chapter 1 (Edited)

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I moved a hand through my hair, exhausted. I had been patrolling for twelve hours and was ready to crash.

A crash coming from the kitchen and followed by giggling caused me to stop in the middle of the long hallway up to my room.

My whole body was tense, because I had no idea who was up at this hour. No one should be up much less out of their rooms, because it was way past midnight, the clock slowly ticking towards two in the morning.

Silently, I made my way to the kitchen where I had heard the noises and giggling. My Wolf was pacing inside of my head, and I couldn't help but wonder why.

'Mate,' he said, happily. 'Mate is in the kitchen.' He paused and I could feel the confusion going through our link. 'I think.'

I took a deep breath and picked up my pace to go to the kitchen. I had no idea what my Wolf, Maxwell, meant by he thought that our mate was in the kitchen.

Another crash sounded in the kitchen, causing me to run the rest of the way, because I was scared that she was hurt. "Oops," a young female voice said. "Oh well."

I pushed open the kitchen door to see the kitchen in ruins. "What the fuck?" I asked bef9r3 looking on the kitchen table to see a female standing there, looking at me with big doe eyes. "Shit. I-I didn't meant to cuss."

'Mate,' Max said. He was happy and shock when he caught sight of the young female standing in the kitchen. 'Mate is really young.'

The young female glanced down and looked around to see the mess that she had made. Her eyes were wide when she looked back up at me, her bronze hair falling into her face. "I can explain," she said, quickly.

"Elizabeth?!" a frantic male voice asked. Another male ran into the kitchen to see the kitchen in ruins and his... daughter standing there. "Elizabeth," he scowled, narrowing his eyes at her. "What is this mess?"

"I was making cookies, Papa," she said, giving her father, Harrison, an innocent look. "You said Mama was sick, and she loves cookies."

He relaxed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. His black hair was sticking up everywhere, and I could tell that he had been trying to find her for some time. "I thought I told you that we would do it in the morning," he said, scowling softly.

"It is the morning," she replied, innocently. "It's two in the morning."

He sighed and rubbed his face, shaking his head and chuckling. "What am I going to do with you, Liz?" he asked, smiling. He turned to look at me, and his face drained of color. "Beta," he said, bowing his head in respect. "I-I would like to apologize for the mess that my daughter had done to the kitchen. We will get it cleaned up right away."

My mate, Elizabeth, set the bowl down and clambered off of the counter and onto the floor. "On second thought... I'm really tired. Good night." She started to walk to the door, sending a smile my way.

"Elizabeth Anne," her father warned, causing the five year old to stop and tense. "Turn around."

Elizabeth turned to look at her father, cocking her head. She stuck her hands behind her back and started to sway back and forth on her bare feet. "Yes, Papa?" she asked, innocently.

Harrison's eyes softened as he took in the sight of his messy daughter. He pointed to the spot in front of him, causing her to take small steps towards him. He grabbed her and pulled her close to him, causing me to growl out a warning and her to burst into a fit of giggles.

I cleared my throat when they both looked at me, their eyes looking so similar but different as well. "Sorry I..." I cleared my throat and made a gesture that signalled I had something in my throat. 'I need to talk to you soon,' I said to Harrison, causing him to nod.

'Yes, Beta,' he said, and I could hear the confusion in his voice. He blew on my mate's cheek, causing her to laugh and push his face away.

"Papa, stop," she said, cheerfully, causing my heart to feel warm and fuzzy. "Your face is scratchy."

"Let's clean up your mess and we can make fresh cookies in the afternoon. Deal?" he asked, causing the little girl to nod.

"And, I can help," I said, causing him to open his mouth. I held up my hand, causing him to close it. "The quicker we get done, the quicker you can take your little princess to bed."

Harrison seemed to be debating with his wolf before nodding his head. "Of course, Beta," he said, setting his daughter down. "Thank you."

Elizabeth smiled at me, showing two missing front teeth. "Yes," she said. "Thank you."

I smiled and nodded. I wouldn't mind helping her out if that smile landed on me. Even though she was only five years old, I knew that she was my mate and was my whole world. "My pleasure."


"What has you in a good mood?" my best friend and Alpha asked when I walked into our joined office. He leaned back in his seat and raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Did you finally get laid?"

"Shut up, Virgin Ass," I said, causing him to scowl and throw a stapler at me. I caught it and smirked, tossing it at him.

"Very funny," he said, sarcastically, catching it. "But, what has you walking on sunshine?"

I sighed and sat down in front of him. I wanted to tell him, but I didn't know how he would react. I mean, my mate was five years old, and I was seventeen, almost an adult.

My best friend, Parker, leaned forward in his seat. Worry filled his eyes, and I could tell that he didn't like me not talking. "What is it?" he asked, studying me. "Did something happen to your parents?"

I shook my head no. "I met my mate," I said, finally.

Patker's eyes widened in mock shock. "Before me?" he asked, his mouth wide open in shock. "Dude, that is awesome. Where is she? Who is she?" He caught my grave look and sobered up quickly. "What is it? Is there a problem?"

I hesitated but nodded. "The problem is that she is five," I said, moving a hand over my face. "And, she is Harrison Farrows kid."

Parker breathed out and leaned back in his seat. "Damn," he said, causing me to nod. "I would be scared if I were you. He is very protective of his kid and one of our best fighters."

I leaned back in my seat and moved a hand across my face. I knew what he said was true, because I had seen the way he was very protective of her. It didn't help that he almost lost both his mate and her when she was born, and almost everyone called her the "miracle child". "I know," I said, finally.

"What are you going to do?" Parker asked, studying me. "Are you going to reject her?"

I growled and shook my head no, not knowing why he would think that. "I know what could happen," I said. "But, nothing is going to happen to her. I am going to wait until she finds out that I am her mate before I do anything."

"And if someone tries to hurt her?"

I clenched my fists together and set my jaw. The images of her being hurt filled my head, and I couldn't help but get angry, because she was not going to get hurt, not on my watch. "Then I will kill them," I replied. "I will make them bleed."

Parker nodded his head. "And, I will help," he promised. "I will help you protect your young mate."

The Beta's Young Mate (bk 1 of Young Mate) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now