Such A Life-Less Piece Of Work

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"N-No! Please just leave me alone!" I yelled behind me as I ran.

They were after me, all of them. My mother, My father, all my bullies and my friends who left. They were chasing me  Through the woods I used to love as a child. They were the predators and I was the ultimate prey. I kept running as fast as I could, my lungs burning, my muscles aching.  I looked forward and saw a clearing. "Maybe I can get away" I thought. I ran, pumping my pathetic limbs faster, the glimpse of safty and hope giving me momentary strength. I jumped over fallen tree's and branches maneuvering my way through the treacherous terrain. I got to the clearing and skidded to a stop. It wasn't a clearing, I was standing over a cliff that was 50 feet high at least.

"Please don't hurt me! Please! Not again!" I cried out as they all came around me. I backed up slowly towards the edge,  tears stinging my eyes.

"You're so fucking pathetic, Alan. I even knew that when you were a baby. Why do you think I left?" My Mother cackled

"You are a shame to our family. And you're no son of mine." My Father yelled, slapping me across the face.

I took another step back and I was falling. All around me was falling. I couldn't breathe. My worthless fucking life was about to end and all I could do was scream. I was getting close to the water below and then--


I woke up screaming, drenched in sweat. I felt all around me in fear that I was still falling but all I felt under me was my lumpy bed. I tried to slow my breathing but I couldn't I stood up and the sight of the woods invaded my vision. I fell to the floor but then I pulled myself up again, but I wasn't in control of my body anymore. I willed my pale figure to sit, but I was pulled forward. I took a sharp blade in my hand and ran it across my wrist. I let out a gasp at the side of the blood. The cut was deep, deeper than I had ever done to myself. It ran it across my wrist again and again before I crumpled to the ground.

"Please don't hurt me anymore" I whispered

'Shut up Alan. And stop being so fucking pathetic.' I looked as far around the room as I could in my imobilized state.

It was coming from me. The voice was coming from me.

"Get out of my head" I whimpered

'I'm here to stay, Alan. You created me because you were alone and I'm here to show you why.' It growled

"Hey faggot ge--WHAT THE FUCK ALAN?!" My dad yelled as he stormed into the room " I'm gonna get blamed for this! I know it! Just stay here fucker"

Everything slowly faded to black and my breath finally slowed.


I woke up in a white room, I didn't know what time it was or how long I had been asleep. I looked down at my arm. The large cuts it-- er, I had made my arm had stiches in them and they were a bright red that stood out harshly against my pale skin.

"Ahh, nice to see you're finally awake Mr. Ashby" the gray haired doctor said

"How long was I out?"

"Six hours.." he trailed off "you hurt yourself pretty bad son--"

"But I didn't do it!" I interrupted

"Then who did?" He questioned

"I-I don't know" I mumbled.

"Alright.. well this is Mr. Carlile. He is going to help you get better and get back to being yourself" he smiled at me "I'll just step out for a moment while you two get acquainted."

"Hey kid, how ya' feeling?" Mr. Carlile asked

"Better..." I replied, I was unsure of what to say. If I told him the wrong thing I could be stuck in here for a long time.

"Well thats good" he smiled

He has a nice smile...

'Like he would ever like a piece of shit like you'

The voice is back..

"Oh shut the hell up, besides! What do you know?!" I yelled defensively

"Um... excuse me?" Mr. Carlile said, sounding startled

'Good job fucktard. Now you freaked him out' it chuckled

"Just shut up!" I screamed

"Hey.. calm down, okay?" He whispered, wraping his strong arms around me.

I relaxed at his touch and let out a shrill breath I hadn't realized I was holding in.

"Better?" He questioned


"Good" he said unwrapping his arms from around me and shooting a smile my way. "I'll see you tomarrow Alan, bye."

"Bye Mr. Carlile" I called after him

"Mr. Carlile makes me feel sooooooo old. Call me Austin" he said before walking out.

Well, except for almost dying and realizing I'm most likely insane this day has been great..


hey guys c: first chapter! yay! I hope you liked it! I'll upload xxbrusnopsxx chapter later today c:


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