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JANUARY 15th, 2018.

"So, how have you two been?" Adelina smiled at Cristiano and Georgina who were having dinner with her. Once she heard of his one-week vacation given by Real Madrid, she couldn't resist the chance to invite them to catch up over everything in Milan together.

"Oh, we've been great," Cristiano nodded. "But what I want to know, is how the little eighteen-year-old kid I met at the Bernabeu, became such a successful entrepreneur and businesswoman. How the hell did you manage to convince your dad's rivals to sell you their hotels?" He asked, unable to believe the size of her successful empire.

Adelina shrugged. "A woman never reveals her secrets, Ronaldo. I'm going to take over Padre's companies next month. I had to show him I'm worthy of the CEO position, no?" She winked at him, he chuckled and shook his head.

"Well, I'm proud of you, Lina. But, you've to be careful. By the looks of Claudia's snapchat story, your daughter has intentions to be a little fashionista or something. You better watch it before she turns into a party girl like Claudia," Georgina laughed softly.

"What can I say? I can't help it. You know I love spoiling her, she's my only daughter. Anyway, how have your kids been? Maybe they could have dinner with us next week. Mattia misses Junior, too." The Italian lifted the glass of orange juice to her lips gracefully, not preparing herself for the next statement coming from Cristiano's lips.

"I've spoken to Marco," Cristiano shrugged nonchalantly, as if it were a casual issue. Georgina's eyebrows shot to her forehead and her eyes widened in disbelief; Adelina started coughing, she quickly drank her water and glared at Cristiano.

"Sorry," he chuckled. "I've said that at the wrong moment. Anyway, as I was saying, he kinda had a breakdown at training, we've spoken and he started talking about you two, and how he misses you."

"Bullshit," Georgina scoffed angrily; Adelina remained silent. The Argentine-Spaniard rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "He's lying. God, Cristiano, you believe everyone! He just posted on Snapchat last night, they were in Ibiza!"

"I'm not lying, I believe him." Cristiano nodded. "We had a long talk. Look, you two don't have to believe it, but I believe that Marco changed. He just has to get rid of that jungle witch with him, and Marcelo and I decided to help him."

"What do you think about this?" Georgina sighed as she turned to the Italian across her. Adelina was poking her food silently, lost in her thoughts. She looked up at Georgina, almost as if she was hesitant to answer.

"I want that man as far as possible from my daughter. He left us, he handles his consequences. I will not discuss this any further. He should've thought it through before he kicked us out, it was as if we were stray dogs." Adelina crossed her arms and a mean, unbothered expression overtook her pretty features.

Cristiano already expected this reaction, he knew it would take a long time to convince her to even have a little dinner with Marco, let alone allow him to come near Mattia? That would take a few years, by itself.

"You want Mattia to grow up without a father?" He asked softly. "But it's going to be hard, Adelina. You need a man by your side. She needs her father, too."

"Forget it!" Adelina snapped angrily. "He, left us. We didn't force him. It's hard, but my life has been hard, for the past two years and you don't see me complaining, and hard is an understatement! I don't need a man by my side. The only men in my life are my father and my son."

"I think she's right," Georgina whispered, only for Cristiano to hear her.

"Mattia needs her father, of course, but not after he treated her this way. My daughter was kicked out of her house. I don't care if he hurt me, but I think everyone who knows me, knows that the day Mattia was born was the day I vowed to never let anyone hurt a single hair on her. I broke my promise once for a man who wasn't worth it, and I'm not breaking it again."

Cristiano sighed and nodded, resting his chin in the palm of his hand. "I get what you're saying. Alright, Adelina. We've discussed Mattia and Marco, but what we haven't discussed is Marco and you. Would you ever take him back?"

Georgina rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time today. "Oh, for Pete's sake!"

Adelina remained silent as she thought about it. Was she ready to take him back? Is going back to him, worth all the weeks she spent crying over him while he traveled the world with her friend? Did she want to risk getting her heart broken again?

"No." Of course, the two expected her response. Adelina cleared her throat and spoke with more confidence.

"No. Absolutely not. What if I went back to him? Sure, everything will be fine until he cheats and leaves me again. Mattia isn't one anymore. Back then, she couldn't understand what was going on. But now, what if he does that again? She'll understand everything that's happening. She'll ask about him after he leaves, and what will I tell her? See, this is exactly what I'm trying to prevent."

Cristiano opened his mouth to protest, but Adelina shook her head and cut him off. "Forget it. I appreciate everything you're doing, Cris. You know I love you like my brother, but I don't need you to play matchmaker for me."


[ WORD COUNT — 1160 ]

I don't like this chapter.

But what I also don't like, is the fact that most
non-arabs I meet, somehow, believe that Palestine belongs to Israelis...

It doesn't

It 101 % belongs to Palestinians!

Don't you think it isn't fair to
all the innocent people dying in
Palestine because of Israelis who
want to take a land that isn't their's?

And what about the people who
died in an air raid yesterday?
Smh this is sooo messed up.
We don't want Trump to bring
"peace" to the Middle East!!!!
He's ruining everything as it is,
we just want him to leave us tf alone!!!!

Israel isn't a fucking country

I don't care whatever you say,
It's Palestine and the fact that
my country (Egypt) isn't sending help,
or any other Middle Eastern
country for the matter, makes me sad.

If you think Palestine belongs to Israelis,
then I beg you to block me right
now and stop reading my this book.

Fuck you Israel,
it's Palestine.
And fuck you too if you
believe that our Arabian land
belongs to such heartless people who kill Muslims for no fucking reason.


this chapter is unedited.
I hope you're all having a great day/night. Remember to drink water and to stay healthy.

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