Chapter 68 ♡

Depuis le début

I parked sloppily and stumbled out of the car, running at the speed of lightning into the bar. Once inside, I looked around desperately, trying to find her. I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself as I searched.

That's when I noticed her, and she was actually dancing with another guy.The boy had his arms wrapped around her waist, and her back was pressed to him. She wasn't dancing in a way that would make her look like she enjoyed the guy's presence, instead she was just dancing. But still, almost every guy in that club had his eyes on her, making me want to punch their eyeballs out of their eyes and shove it up their asses. The thing that made me mad was the fact that he had his lips on her neck, and I had a feeling that he wasn't going to stop there. Blood quickened through my veins as I shoved everyone in my way, trying to get to her.

Once I got to them, I took Kat's arm and pulled her to the side. She stumbled, losing her balance because of the alcohol she had just consumed. The guy took notice and looked at me, his expression hard.

"What the hell man!? Give me back my girl!" He shouted.

I didn't think much before I threw a punch at his face, making him fall backwards. But before he could've completely fell, I grabbed him by his shirt and tightened my jaw.

"Don't you dare ever touch her again. Or call her your girl." I growled in his face.

He realized that he shouldn't reply, so he pushed me away and walked backwards, taking his bloody nose with him.

Then I turned around to meet a furious Kat. She squinted at me and yelled, "what the hell was that for?! You can't just come in beat up a guy for dancing with me! I'm not yours anymore Zayn!"

I couldn't take it. I leaned in and pressed my lips against hers hungrily, trying to make my point. Eyes were still on us, and I wanted to show them that Kat was mine. Besides that, I also wanted to find out if she still needed me like I needed her. I knew that she wouldn't kiss me if she was sober, so the only way of finding out is when she's drunk.

I brought my hand to the back of her neck, pulling her closer. Her hands made their way to my chest, and I was ninety percent certain that she was going to push me back. Instead, she grabbed a fistful of my shirt, pulling me against her. I used my hand to tilt her head back and slide my tongue into her mouth. She didn't resist, instead she let out a soft moan.

She still needed me. She still wanted me. She still loved me.

But she was drunk, and I wouldn't ever take advantage of that. I pulled away slowly, my heart fluttering inside my chest. She looked up at me, still furious, but I couldn't adore her any less.

"Fuck you, Zayn!" She shouted. "Gahhh! I don't know what to do with you!"

I smiled, taking her hand in mine. "You still love me."

"Of course I do, bastard! God. I hate you." She screamed, still making a scene.

It was clear that she was upset with me. It was clear that none of this was fixed because by tomorrow morning, she would wake up with a hangover and forget all about this. But at least I was assured that she needed me as much as I needed her.

"Shit," she murmured to herself, grabbing her stomach. I realized that she wasn't feeling so well. Maybe she had too much to drink.

"You okay?" I asked.

She looked up at me, her eyes soft. "Zayn, I feel sick."

Immediately, I became worried. I took her in my arms, holding her as I walked out of the bar quickly. She wrapped her arms around my neck and giggled as I held her, placing a small kiss on the corner of my lips. Despite the fact that she reeked of alcohol, she was just as beautiful as always. I took her to my car, setting her inside the passenger seat and fastening her seatbelt for her. I sat down in the drivers seat and looked over at her smiling face. She looked green, and I realized that she would be throwing up any second.

Runaway (A Zayn Malik fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant