I frowned and growled, "I'll never give in to that power. Not if I'll end up as wretched as you!"

Demented me smirked and replied, "Honey, you don't get to decide that. He does." I knew who she meant, my blood boiling when thinking about him. She finally put her legs down from the table and leaned over the edge. "Don't be a goody two shoes and refuse this ecstasy. Once the time comes, it will be too good to resist and you'll want it in the split second you have it right in front of you. And you'll feel so good when you do accept it. Just imagine all of the havoc you could cause with a blink of an eye! Kill, kill, kill, right?" She giggled evilly and I seethed. I hissed, "I will kill. I'll kill every Corrupted I see! I'll kill all of the evil I see! And I'll kill Zalgo! One day, I will and when I do this world won't have to suffer any longer! I will not give in. I'm going to win this war. And you can't stop me!"

She grinned again and said, "You'll kill all of the evil you see, huh? Well, good luck with that. You're too focused on saving humanity that you're oblivious to the real evil in front of you. So go on, save your pathetic human race. Just know that as long as they strive, evil will never die." I tensed up at those words. I had a sudden feeling of reluctance but then I scolded myself in my head and kept glaring at my demented self. She was giving me a stern look. I did the same. Her expression didn't stay long and she soon smirked again. "Since you seem to not tolerate me right now, I'll say one last thing." She stood up from her seat and smiled mischievously at me. Then she said...

"Make Daddy proud...!"

She suddenly threw the crushed and powdered bone in my face and I screamed as some got in my eyes. Once I could see again, I looked up to see Demented me on the table right in front of me with a crazed expression. "WAKE UP!!!" She screamed at me and before I could contemplate this, my head jerked up from the table.

I panted and gasped for air as I clawed at the table. I managed to breathe normally and look around. No demented me. It was only another dream. Wait. I fell asleep. But for how long...? I looked out the window and saw bright daylight outside. My heart started palpitating at a disorienting rate and I searched for a clock. I found one above the kitchen entryway and checked the time. I was nearly about to have a heart attack. It's 8:20 in the fucking morning!!!

"No!" I screamed as I ran for the front door, yanked it open and didn't bother to close it as I sprinted out. I ran through the forest, boots stomping through the snow and vision blurry from rushing. Trees whizzed past me as I kept going, navigating my way through the woods. I made it through the tree-line and headed for my school. I sprinted on the sidewalk, rushed through traffic. I nearly got ran over but I jumped up and slid across the hood of the car. I kept going as cars honked at me and bumped other cars. After a while I saw my school up ahead and willed myself to get a burst of speed. Déjà vu struck me and I noticed that this moment was what I saw. I ignored the feeling and kept running. I jumped over the front gate and rolled on the ground as I landed before getting back on my feet and pushing on.

I burst through the front doors of my old school and rushed through the halls to the main office. I need to inform the principal that the entire campus is in danger. Hopefully he believes me and gets everyone out before nine. I was in a hurry so I actually forgot where the office was. "Shit!" I breathed under my breath as I came to an intersection of the halls. Everyone was in class right now so the halls were empty. But not as empty as I thought. I felt a hand land on my shoulder and I swerved around to see a student. "Can I help you?" he asked me. I huffed and nodded. He was a hall monitor. He has to help me. God, my head is spinning.

"Okay, I'll take you to see the principal," he said and started escorting me, holding onto my shoulder as we walked. I was mentally begging him to go faster. "What time is it?" I asked him.

Killer Protector (Jeff the Killer story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora