D0nt g0 pt.19

897 26 14

(changed my mind and I will skip the roleplay to the main thing...when You will stand face with face with the--
Moon:don't spoil it!!!
oh okay,gonna tried to,alright here ya go)

Y/N Pov's

it's 1:46 AM,I'm getting ready to kill someone,my hand is sweaty,my whole body was shaking

I'm not supposed to do this! once an positive feelings contains a dark sentiment,it could make something horibble...

but for everyone,I'll do it

even if it takes my life to do it
I wear a F/C hoodie,I bring my kitchen knife and my handkerchief

"are you ready?"

I nod,it's going to be hard

"alright your target is in this Lilith housing,no.2 block 5,her name is Kayla,age 8 had been abused by her parents mentally and physically,had been bullied in her school,had a gold of heart,a cry baby,finish her"


"hey,I know this is a lot to take in but...trust me...for this AU and others"

"Y-yeah...for them..."

I breath deeply and let it out,I've got my keys and headed to the Lilith housing,it's not far from my house


"you Brat! go to your room!"

"i-i'm sorry mommy"

I hear a little girl crying,I felt bad for her,she never deserve this

I was now sitting in one branch tree near her bedroom window,I saw a little girl,she had a red hair that tied into a ponytail,she had a yellow teary eyes,and lots of Cuts

I wanted to break in and hug her,but my goal is to kill her

"I-I wish,that I have a better life...I miss my Grammy..."

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