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Jaz's POV

I wake up to the bright sun streaming in through the window beaming right in my face. I scrunch my face up at this, immediately turning around and coming right into contact with something hard.

My eyes adjust and I see that I've hit Mitchel's arm as he sits looking down at me amused as he holds his phone.

"You doing okay there?" He laughs lightly.

"Peachy" I mumble as I try and pull the covers up to shield me from the sun.

He raises his arm and motions for me to come closer and I oblige in my sleepy state. I rest my head on his chest as his arm is wrapped round me as play with the chain on his necklace.

"Did you sleep okay?" He asks.

"Yeah I did, did you?" I reply.

He nods his head and continues to scroll through his phone.

"I slept better with you here, you should stay over more often" He explains.

"We'll see" I reply.

I check my own phone looking at all I've missed out on while being asleep. There were a few texts from Cat informing me that she did indeed sleep with Clinton last night and that they had gone out this morning and so it was just us and Christian in the house.

I kind of figured they would end up sleeping together and as much as I'd love to do the same with Mitchel, I was still hesitant. I was enjoying our time together and I didn't want that to be cut short once he got what he wanted.

Mitchel's hair was even messier than normal with a few strands sticking up causing me to giggle lightly. He looked so silly but still somehow managed to look good.

"What?" He asked suspiciously.

"Your hair" I simply state.

"What about my luscious locks huh?" He retorts playing along.

"It's a mess" I laugh.

"Wow harsh words for a girl who snores in her sleep" He quips back.

"Hey! I do not snore" I defend.

"You keep telling yourself that" He smirks.

I simply stick out my tongue not being able to think of a better response. He raises one eyebrow as if unimpressed by my action.

"What age are you?" He laughs.

"Don't you know it's rude to ask a woman her age" I say smugly.

"Yeah I do but you're not a woman so it doesn't count" He says.

My mouth hangs open at how quickly he can come up with all these digs. I hit his arm playfully as he continues to laugh at my expense.

"I am so a woman" I reply.

"Nah you're just a little girl" He teases picking on my baby face, pinching my cheek.

"I'm more of a woman than you think" I state.

"I'm not sure about that" He jokes "Prove it"

"Fine" I say determined to win.

I move out of his arms and I swing another leg over his torso so I'm now straddling his body. I look down at him as his eyes stay trained on me, his playful smirk nowhere to be seen now. I felt powerful, to have him watching my every move, I could feel him become tense underneath me.

I trail one finger down his torso which was fully exposed to me as he wasn't wearing a shirt. I skim over his gold chain and stop just underneath his belly button. I hear him take a large gulp as I tease going lower but I move my hand away quickly causing a low groan to leave his lips.

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