3- Well then they suck

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Jaz's POV

I watched Mitchel as he walked over to the bar and waited on his drink to be poured. I didn't really know how to respond to the situation, it's not like we were a thing? We've literally known each other 6 hours.

I did feel bad though, I did ditch him and leave him there alone but I mean he was just coming in too strong and I didn't know how to deal with him. Yeah he's cute but that might be a front, he could do this to a different girl every night.

"I'll go talk to him" I tell Christian who nods and tries to find Jesse.

I suck in a deep breath and make my way over to him squeezing past the busy crowd of people , the music was loud and I could feel the bass in my chest making me even more nervous. I hadn't really planned what to do once I got to him. I lightly tapped him on the shoulder and he turned round only to look disappointed again and he returned to his drink.

"What you drinking?" I ask trying to make some sort of conversation.

"Whiskey" He replies, just as dry as the alcohol in his hands.

"Oh" I say "I've never tried it"

"Figured" He sighs.

He's now facing more towards me so that's at least progress but he still seemed pretty pissed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask him.

"It's not a drink for pretty girls" He says matter of factly.

I don't know how to reply so I just let the silence fall, the music providing noise. He downs the rest of his drink and stares down at the glass in his hand.

"I was gonna come back and get you" I state hoping to fix the awkwardness.

"Yeah?" He laughs dryly "Didn't seem like it"

"It's not what it looked like" I say.

It sounds pathetic. People always say that even though it is what it looked like but in this case I was telling the truth, I just wasn't convincing. He nods as if he doesn't believe me and for some reason I hated that he was annoyed with me and as much as I found his flirting tedious, I'd kill to get back to that instead of this tension.

"Honestly, some girls pushed me on accident and Christian was just steadying me" I explain "I was about to come get you"

"Christian always gets the girls" He says.

I'm taken aback by his words. Yeah sure, Christian was good looking in that way you can instantly recognise he's pretty but I think Mitchel holds a different type of beauty in his own right, even down to his crazy little hair braids.

"I'm sure that's not true, you must have girls queuing up just to get your attention" I respond.

"Yeah but they're just in it for the status, for being able to say they got with me, I'm tired of it" He says not looking at me.

His mood had changed dramatically from the start of the night, he had lost his cocky attitude and his emotions were starting to surface.

"Well then they suck" I say simply earning a small smile in return.

"They sure did" He smirks.

I catch on to his dirty joke and I can't help but laugh. Maybe he wasn't as bad as I thought he was. I look over and see Christian and Jesse imitating how Clinton and Cat are dancing and I can't help but laugh at that causing Mitchel to look over too and he lets out the most cute laugh I've ever heard and I think it's the first time I've seen him smile properly with his teeth.

"Cmon, instead of being tortured artistic souls over here lets go enjoy our Saturday night over there" I suggest.

He nods his head in return placing his glass down on the counter where the bartender quickly disposes of it trying to clear room. I grab Mitchel's wrist and pull him along with me onto the dance floor.

"Maybe I'll even let you kiss me this time" I whisper in his ear as I walk with him.

He simply smirks in return as Christian jumps up and down upon our arrival. They definitely are a special bunch of boys.


It was now Monday morning and I was in no mood to deal with going to university today. I was studying photography and so the idea of spending the day in a brightly lit room was not so appealing. I'd also gone out last night with Cat to one of our friends parties so I'd consumed a lot or rather too much alcohol over the weekend.

I didn't get home until 4am on Saturday night and so today I was still pretty tired. Luckily today I only had a 3 hour class on composition work and then I could go back to my flat and go back to my comfy, cosy bed.

I'd exchanged numbers with Mitchel and the boys before we left and it was honestly a really fun night. Mitchel and I didn't do anything major, we just danced pretty close and shared a quick peck on the lips before parting ways. I still however, couldn't get him out of my head, as much as it annoyed me. I didn't want to end up like this, pining after him when he probably couldn't care less about me. He still hasn't texted me like he said he would and I'm a little disappointed but not surprised.

I look through my sketchbooks and try to take my mind off of him. I'd spent all of yesterday thinking about him and I refused to let myself do the same today.

Soon enough our Tutor came in and started the class and I couldn't wait for it to be over.

By the time we finished up I was so more than ready to flop on my bed and order take out cos I hadn't done a grocery shop in days. I made my way out the building and down the street. It was so weird living in LA, I'd been here two years now and I moved for University from Philly. Quite the change of scene but I lived both places, they were both home.

The walk home wasn't long; only around twenty minutes. I hadn't heard from Cat today so I figured she ditched her classes today to stay in bed which she does frequently. We shared a dorm in our first year and became close friends. Now we both have our own apartments not too far from each other so we visit a lot.

Once I unlock my door and close it behind me, I walk into my room and lay down on my bed and let the pillow comfort me as I relax into the mattress. It was only 5pm so I decided on taking a quick nap before I did anything else. However before I could fall into a slumber I hear my phone buzz on the bedside table. I contemplate ignoring it but I decide against it incase it's Cat who has a tendency to barge into my apartment if I don't answer her, I regret ever giving her the spare key.

I press the home button and I'm surprised by the contact. It was Mitchel, speak of the devil.

Mitchel 😈
Don't make any plans for tomorrow

I quickly send a reply asking why and a response quickly comes back.

You're going to be busy with yours truly

Well, looks like my day tomorrow jus
t got a little more interesting.

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