The only true reason as to why Draco returned was because of his reputation. He could only rely on his intelligence and his ability to achieve highly in his education if he ever wanted to think about even having a future. And so when a letter was sent out to him of all people about returning to Hogwarts, he had to take the chance.

He was told, Blaise and Pansy alike, that they would be monitored, and that this was an opportunity to finish their education, nothing more. If they attempted anything that even so much as alluded to dark behaviour, they would be expelled immediately, no more second chances. After all, this was their second chance. And Draco was not going to let it slip past him. He finally wanted to be in control of his own life, even if that meant having to be around Potter for a whole another year.

He was currently sat in the Great Hall, a few weeks into the first term, completing his Potions essay Slughorn had set the class. Blaise was sat next to him, finishing his. Every now and then Draco would look up from his cursive writing and his eyes would wonder around the room, particularly on the Gryffindor table. Draco's silver eyes just happened to fall upon Potter, who had his tongue down the Weasley girl's throat. Draco looked away, feeling nauseous. And yet, despite this, Draco's eyes would always wonder their way back to Potter and his so-called 'girlfriend'.

Potter had always annoyed Draco, every year he just got increasingly more and more annoying. This year was no different, but Draco found Potter more persistently annoying for other reasons. PDA was definitely one of them.

"Draco, you're doing it again." Blaise muttered to his companion, not even looking up from his parchment where he was finishing up his essay.

"Doing what." Draco sighed, tearing his eyes away from the black haired boy, and going back to his own essay.

"Staring dreamily and muttering 'stupid potter' " Blaise smirked as Draco scowled at him.

"I don't do that. I just get lost in thought." Draco told him, before stealing another quick glance at the person who saved his life. He sighed, dipping his quill back into his ink as he thought about how he too had saved Potter's life, in one way or another. He knew it was Potter at Malfoy Manor that day, Potter knew that he knew, he'd said so in the Room of Requirement. There was no mistaking Potter's deep green eyes, dark inky hair, and his scar, though mangled by whatever spell Granger had put upon him, was still that famous lightning bolt. But what Draco didn't know is why he didn't say anything. The Dark Lord himself would've probably congratulated him, as would his aunt, but he didn't say anything.  Draco finished up his essay and signed his name before opening up one of his class books, ready to revise what he had already taught himself years prior.

Ron Weasley strolled into the Great Hall, carrying most of his girlfriend's books as he had wanted a change of scenery from the Library, which Hermione always spent the majority of her time in. The two Gryffindors had fallen into a somewhat routine of dating and Ron much preferred it over Lavenders form of dating, though guilt often washed over him when he thought of the fate of his ex. Ron regretfully pushed the morbid thought out of his mind as he stumbled over to the Gryffindor table, spotting Harry and Ginny, replicating a certain Slytherin's feeling of sudden illness at the sight of their affection.

He slammed the mountain pile of books down onto the table, making the pair jump in each other's arms and suddenly break apart, Ginny blushed as red as her Gryffindor jumper, and Harry straightened his glasses.

"Good afternoon." Ron snapped, though he'd rather his sister date Harry more than anyone else, he still wasn't used to seeing them snogging, and in front of everyone no less. "PDA much?"

"Sorry mate." Harry chuckled uneasily, and opened his text book to start his essay.

"You're one to talk." Ginny told her brother, easily leaning against Harry. "The amount of times i've walked in on you and your girlfriend not being able to keep your hands off of each other is traumatic enough. Speaking of, where's Hermione?" She asked, as soon as she spoke the bushy haired witch entered the Hall, following Ron with an armful of books, sitting down next to him with a small smile.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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