A lively giggle erupted from the boy as his warm smile returned, "My apologizes oh wise one. But what did that customer do?" the corner of his lips turned downward, "Did they touch you? Do I need to beat someone up??"

You laughed as the two of you made your way down the hall of the building, "No idiot, he was just rude. I'm not really sure how to explain it..."

Wrapping a lazy arm around your shoulder Hoseok spoke in a serious tone, "Well if anything happens call me right away alright? Promise?"

You turned to look at him with a challenging smile, "Promise. But Hobi how long have we been friends for? And how many times have I been the one to save you?"

Hoseok laughed in embarrassment from beside you, "Alright you have a point. But that was years ago! I'm older now so if you need help, your big bro will come and save you!" he spoke while making fighting noises and punching the air with his fists. 

The scene of your best friend being so damn extra always gave you a reason to, wholeheartedly, laugh. Hoseok joining a moment later with a full laugh of his own.

Once the two of you calmed down, he sighed placing a hand on your shoulder, "But really though, everyone needs saving sometimes. And I do kinda owe you for saving my butt so many times back in middle school."

You nodded, smiling sweetly at your friend before realizing, "Wait! Hobi aren't you going to be late for your dance practice??"

"Aish your right. I'll see you later y/n! Be careful on your way back!!" You nodded with a smile, watching as your friend ran like a mad man toward the studio.

You took a deep breath, letting the cool autumn breeze wash over you like a wave as you made your way to the school's practice rooms. Or as you liked to call it, your own personal studio.

As you made your way to the music wing, like clockwork finding the practice room that was a bit hidden compared to the others, and also considerably smaller as well. But it was perfect for you, nobody ever used it other then you and it was the perfect size.

You can't help but smile as you drop your bag to the floor, sitting on the bench and lifting the pianos cover, as if you were saying hello to an old friend you ran you fingers across the black and white keys.

Taking a deep breath, you pressed your fingers lightly at first to the dark brown piano, letting the music flow through you, through your head, your shoulders, all the way down to your fingertips. Adrenaline rushing all the way down to your toes pressing the petals, creating the deep, rich,  sound that you loved.

Completely lost in the music, the piano and you weren't two separate beings anymore, but rather one interlaced melody. It wasn't until your phone rang that your trance was broken, realizing you had been playing for about three hours.

Tentatively you picked up the ringing phone, "Hello..."

"y/n! Thank God where have you been?! Jungkook and I were starting to get worried, Jimin was about to go out looking for you!"

You giggled at your roommates overprotectiveness, "Sorry Tae, I was just at the studio and lost track of time. I'll start heading back now, who's making dinner tonight?"

A sigh of relief rang on the other side as he spoke, "Good, be careful on your way back! Jungkookie is cooking tonight, I think he's making naengmyeon."

A smile took over your features as you made your way out of the music building, "So Jin has been teaching him huh? I thought he was already a "Master Chef" though."

"Hey I heard that!" A distant but strong voice that could only be Jungkook's came ringing through the phone, causing both Taehyung and you to burst out with laughter.

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