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A/N: I hope that you all enjoy my third story. In case you didn't read the description, this is a sad story. You have been warned. Also check out my other two stories, Traded and You're Too Much

Jake and Tristan are in the school hallway talking by their lockers

Jake: "So , how was your date with Savannah last night?"

Tristan: "The same as it was with Lori, Kathy and Shannon. In bed."

Jake: "You're such a dog dude." He said smiling.

Tristan: "Woof, woof." He smiles back. "How's the math going?"

Jake: (smacks his head) "OMG, it's hell! I need to find me a tutor like it were yesterday. I can't fail this class."

Tristan: "What about Tammy or Theresa?"

Jake: "Nah, I can't have girls that I banged tutor me. It's distracting."

Tristan: "What about the 3 stooges over there?"

Jake looks in the direction of Tristan's thumb. He sees Lisa, Susie and Maggie and laughs.

Jake: "Uh-No," he says dryly. "I banged them too, besides they suck in Math and in bed."

Tristan: (Looks at Jake) "Woof, woof."

Jake: "You and I are 2 separate breeds dude." (he says laughing)

Tristan: "Yeah, you're the bitch."

Jake: "I will always be your bitch."

Just then Debbie turned the corner and goes to her locker. She's the school nerd, wears big glasses, dresses in clothes too big for her. She is short and her hair was always covering most of her face. She was quiet. She did have friends, not bullied.

Tristan and Jake looked at each other and both say: "BINGO!"

Jake walks up to Debbie and although he was standing right next to her, she didn't acknowledge him until he spoke.

Jake: "Hey Debbie, I need a huge favor from you."

Debbie: "What is it?"

Jake: "I need you to tutor me in Math. I have to pass that class or I won't graduate or be able to play football."

Debbie: "Hmm, I have to fit you in my schedule. How does Thursday sound? Around 4pm at the park."

Jake: "Yes, and thank you Debs!"

Debbie: "No problem J."

Jake turns to give Tristan the thumbs up, but Tristan was busy making out with a girl he had against the locker.

Jake:"I can't turn my back for a minute. Woof, woof."

Veronica meets Debbie for lunch at their usual table.

Veronica: " OMG! I just found out, maybe a rumor, but may be true, that Linda Lark is pregnant!" She was overly excited about this gossip.

Debbie:" Don't believe everything that you hear."

Veronica:"Oh yeah? There's also a rumor that Jake Stenton approached you this morning." She started to drink her juice.

Debbie:"That "rumor" is true."

Veronica:"OMG really?! What did he say or more importantly, what did he want?" She said repulsively.

Debbie:"He asked me to tutor him in Math. So I'll see him this Thursday at the park."

Veronica:"Wow, you're gonna be the envy of all the stupid girls that drool over him."

Debbie:"Do you mean the ones that he banged already? Then yeah."

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