Chapter 25

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"To victory!"

Cheers rang throughout the Mikage shrine as Jirou, Mizuki, and the other warriors all raised their glasses of sake in celebration before downing it all in a few quick gulps. Nanami, who had received some soda pop from Onikiri and Kotetsu since she couldn't drink, chuckled and sipped daintily at her beverage as she examined all the happy faces around the room, eyes half closed as they chatted and laughed merrily just like they should be after a great victory. However, upon closer examination, she noticed one long face weaving amongst the crowd, the face of Tomoe as he circled the room with a plate of appetizers perched on his shoulder. Although he would flash a smile whenever someone looked at him, the distant, distracted look in his eyes said his heart and mind were someplace else, and it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out whether they had gone. Smiling and shaking her head, Nanami approached Tomoe and tapped his arm to get his attention. As he spun around to face her, she held out her hands, causing him to raise an eyebrow.

"Do you need something? Could you ask the lazy snake to do it? I'm a tad busy at the moment." he remarked grumpily.

"I'm offering to help you, baka!" Nanami retorted, her lip sticking out in a pout as her cheery expression was replaced by a look of annoyance.

Tomoe's brows drew together quizzically. "Why would I need your help? I'm perfectly capable of handing out hors d'oeuvres."

Nanami's eyebrow twitched as a vein on the side of her forehead bulged.

"I was going to offer to take over for a bit so you could go check on Sakura, but if you would rather stay here and distribute food then that's fine by me." she huffed before twirling on her heels and strutting off, arms folded across her chest.

Tomoe's eyes immediately went wide and he hastily thrust out his arm to grab her before she could move out of reach. "Nanami, wait!"

"No no, keep doing what you were doing. I don't want to tear you away from your passion." the goddess stated sarcastically before jerking out of his grasp.

Tomoe groaned loudly and pinched the the bridge of his nose. "Look, I didn't mean it like that. I really appreciate you offering to help. It was very kind of you to think of me-"

"Yes, it was." the goddess snapped sharply.

Tomoe's ears drooped as his eyes fell to the ground. Glancing back at him, Nanami found her irritated mask starting to slip as she drank in the kicked puppy expression on Tomoe's face; she just couldn't stay mad at him. Allowing a small smile to grace her lips, she shook her head before snatching the tray of food from his hands.

"Fortunately for you, I'm in a good mood right now so I'll forgive you. Now get your fluffy behind down that hallway and take those two some food while you're at it." She chirped sassily, giving the fox's head a playful smack before sauntering off into the crowd, a beaming grin on her face. At first, Tomoe stood and stared at her retreating form, his mind still trying to decipher what the heck had just happened. However, as the information began to register, he started to smile as we and all to happily slipped off into one the shrine's dark hallways, leaving the annoyingly boisterous crowd behind him. However, just as he was about to dash into the kitchen to grab a platter of unserved food, he skidded to a stop when the sound of two voices greeted his ears.

"You're leaving?" Said some that sounded suspiciously like Mizuki. Tomoe's lips curved into a scowl. Of course the snake was hiding out in here so he wouldn't have to work.

"I'm not one to stick around long. Besides, I'm not a good people person." the second voice replied.

Tomoe's brows scrunched together in confusion? Was that Ayano? Slowly pushing open the kitchen door as not to alert the two to his presence, the fox stuck his head in the room, and sure enough, there stood Mizuki and Ayano. Judging by the pack slung over the chameleon's shoulder, the snake had caught her mid departure. As he peered closer, Tomoe could've sworn he saw a slight blush on Mizuki's cheeks as he bashfully avoided eye contact with the woman's alluring orbs.

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