“Dadi.. I am not in the mood. I just came home to retrieve a file."

“Shivaay, don't do this.. Om will be devastated.. Om hadn't eaten anything yesterday.. It's been a week already. Rudra too is not well.. Why are you punishing him too?"

He looked at her and turned towards his dadi,

“Lets discuss about this later, dadi."

Well... It's no surprise he is horrible to even his own family. It's no wonder he doesn't appreciate what a wonderful family he has.

He turned again and Annika's heart tightened when those azure eyes focused on her completely.

“Whatever you want, discuss it with dadi and if you want workers, you can call the servants here in the mansion. No outsiders in my home."

He turned away from her after she nodded. Just then a person with long hair came running down the stairs.

“Shivaay... Shivaay."

But the devil seemed to be not listening and turned towards the other way.

“Shivaay, please.."

“Shivaay, speak with me yaar.."

“Listen to me, Shivaay."

Annika saw him disappearing to another corridor while the long hair person followed him.

She followed dadi who looked sadder than before and moved towards another corridor.

He really is insensitive and horrible.. How could he do this to his own family members..?


Shivaay closed the door and locked it.. He slumped against it and sighed. It has been a hell of week. He could hear Om's footsteps fading from outside searching for him. Om looked bad.

He had went and destroyed a girl's life. Nothing could have saved the girl from his wrath but the limping child who stood next to her pulled his heart out.

That boy strangely reminded him of his brothers when he was clutching Annika's hand in fear, seeking comfort.

So he had gone and asked the editor of the news channel, showing the photo and found her not guilty..

Shivaay had destroyed many people but he had never destroyed anyone innocent.

In a fit of rage he had gone and destroyed a innocent girl along with a child's life. He couldn't sleep properly so he had restored everything he had destroyed.

But he had to admit the girl has a strong will power. He thought she will beg but she didn't.. He thought everyone has a price but she seemed to prove him wrong.. He restored everything for the child's sake not that he was affected with the sad eyes of her piercing his soul. Nope, not at all..

Shivaay didn't know who had leaked the chip.. But he would have to thoroughly investigated it. Shivaay was so restless seeing Om like that and in fit of uncontrolled anger he had gone and destroyed someone's life..

It's been six days...

Shivaay had broken two phones..

He had gone home once to check about Om and Rudra..

He hadn't gone home for six days..

He had checked in a hotel and most of the time stayed in office, immersing himself in work..

He hadn't attend any of family member's call.

He was angry with Om and above all angry with himself for letting Om down...

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