Have you cheated?

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*getting off the plane and going to the hotel, you still can't stop thinking about what Harriet said about maybe being pregnant, your late for your period but come on, sometimes they can be late.. Right?*

G: right babe, I've got the key to our room, let's go (he grabs your hand as you just stared into space not even realising what he just said)

Y: what was that?.. Sorry I.. I just zoned out

G: (giggling) it's ok, come on, let's go to our room.

*you walk into your room to see how big it was! As you walked in, you had a widescreen tv up on the wall with a three seater sofa and the kitchen area, you had the bedroom through one door with the bathroom next to it. The bed looked like kingsize! You sat down on the bed just starring into space*

G: you ok Hun? (Sitting next to you rubbing your back)

Y: yeah I'm.. I'm fine

G: you sure babe? You seem a bit spaced out

Y: really?

G: yeah, come here (he hugs you and kisses your cheek) do you feel ill? You were sick earlier? (He places his hand on your forehead)

Y: no I'm fine.. I'll be ok (pushing his Hand away as you stood up and walked onto the balcony)

G: now you being all off with me.. Is it something I've done? (You just stood starring at the sea and sighed) babe? (He stood by you and rubbed your back as you just pull away almost in tears) what have I done wrong?! (Raising his voice)

Y: nothing ok?! (Shouting) you haven't done anything wrong!

G: then why are you being like this?!

Y: being like what?!.. Look I gotta go for a walk a minuet! (You leave the room as a tear rolls down your face as you walk downstairs to sit by the beach to have a think)

*George just sat on the bed almost In tears wondering what he's done wrong. Harriet sees you walking down the stairs in tears*

H: woah woah *your name* whats up? (You just sigh) have you and George had an argument?

Y: no I.. Ohh (tearing up more as you wipe your eyes) I Was such a bitch to him just then (crying as Harriet hugs you and walks you over to a bench near by)

H: why what's happened?

Y: he only asked what was wrong and I.. I (tearing up more) just snapped at him

H: what was wrong? (Seeming concerned)

Y: I don't even know myself (laughing at yourself) I'm such a dick!

H: your not (passing you a tissue from her pocket) and you do know what's wrong

Y: huh? (You look up confused)

H: well, it's obvious (nodding at your belly) first puking for no reason, cravings, mood swings now getting emotional

Y: but i can't be.. I..

H: when was the last time you had a period?

Y: I.. Um.. About a month ago

H: when were you due last?

Y: about.. two.. Two weeks ago.. But.. I..

H: right come with me (standing up while linking your arm) were going down to the shop downstairs and getting you a test

Y: but George can't know (starting to cry again)

H: why? It.. would be his.. right?

Y: yeah of course but.. What if I am and, he's not ready.. (You start over thinking) what if he ends it with me because I'll be fat (crying more)

Collage days: a union j / george shelley fanficWhere stories live. Discover now