Loving you is easy

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Josh: so you two are officially a couple ayy? (Nodding at you both)

G: (looking into your eyes smiling) yeah

Josh: that explains the kiss in the storage room (you and George look at each other smirking while blushing a bit)

JJ: you what! No way (his jaw dropped)

Josh: yep (smirking) opened the door to find them all over each other

Y: yeah that's enough josh! (giggling while talking)

JJ: ooooh how Romantic in the storage room (winking at George)

G: shut it train boy (giggling)

JJ: oii I'll have no talk about that (pointing at him looking serious as George's giggle got louder)

Jaymi: right I'll have to love you and leave you guys and girls ollys picking me up around the corner see you all tonight (waving as you all wave and say bye back)

JJ: oh crap! I gotta run! I forgot I'm picking cat up after her shoot! See you tonight! (Running to his car)

Josh: so you catching the bus? (Pointing at you)

G:it's alright I'll give you both a lift

Y: you sure babe?

G: yeah it's no problem (holding your waistline and starring into your eyes as you wrap you arms around his neck)

Y: aww ok cheers (you both lean in to kiss until josh interrupts you)

Josh: hello third wheeling here! (Rolling his eyes)

G: (still holding your waist but looking. At josh giggling) sorry mate (he pecks you on the lips) come on then let's go to the car (you let go of each other as you walk to the car and he grabs your hand and squeezes it)

Josh: aww George I wanna hold your hand (joking about)

G: sorry mate (holds his keys up in his other hand)

Josh: I thought he had something bro (fake crying) what about gosh love (you and George giggle)

G: you got chess (giggling)

Josh: you don't get it I still love you, don't ever let me go George (holding George's shoulder reacting part of the titanic)

Y: (laughing) you two are mad

G: (giggling) this is what happens when us boys are in a bromance

Y: ahh (giggling)

Josh: if you ever take away my George I'll never forgive you (trying to stay serious but bursts out laughing)

Y: mental child (laughing)

Josh: who you calling a child? (Standing up straight) I'm a Man, and I'm older than you

*you all get in the car, George driving, you sat in the front seat as josh sits in the back*

G: so, what cd shall I put on?

Josh: (shouting in a funny voice) Justin bieber!

G: I wasn't asking you ya melt (giggling) let the lady decide

Josh: but justin bieber is our jam man (giggling)

G: (giggling) so what music you into? (Licking his lips) I got a few albums in the glove compartment have a little look while I reverse out

*you open the glove compartment and look through*

Y: really?! (Giggling)

G: what? (Looks over at you)

Collage days: a union j / george shelley fanficWhere stories live. Discover now