The question

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Jaymi: (almost whispering) woah what's with the waterworks you two? (You keep hold of George)

G: just had a little heart to heart that's all (smiling as he rubs your back)

Jaymi: you ok mate? (Looking concerned to gorge) you never cry! Your usually the smiley one

G: yeah I'm fine now (holding on to you tighter)

Jaymi: so, are you two a couple yet? (He comes and sits by you two)

G: (you slowly part As George's hands cup on to yours) well (starring into your eyes) what do you say? (You smile at him starring back) would you be my girlfriend?

Y: George (you lean in closer and giggle) of course I will (he leans forward and locks onto your lips, you feel butterflies and a tingling in your lips. You realise, you love George more than you thought)

Jaymi: aww don't (fanning his eyes as you two giggle as you pull away looking into each others eyes and then to Jaymi) this is too cute, I'm so happy for you two! (You and George giggle as you all stand up) now come on! Anna isn't too happy with you two..

G: (bites his lip as he looks at you) sorry I didn't mean to get you in trouble

Y: (giggling) well, it was worth it (you bite your lip back at him as he grins back and takes your hand)

*you George and Jaymi walk back to class you and George hand in hand*

Jaymi: you two ready? (Nodding at you both)

G: (inhales) yeah (smiles at you as you smile back)

Jaymi: ok here we go.. (Opens the door and you all walk in) found them

A: ahh nice of you two to finally join us! (She glares at you two)

G: sorry Anna (pulling your seat out) it was my fault

A: Hmm anyway..

G: so you exited about tonight? (Smiling at you)

Y: yeahh! (Nodding away) Haven't had a night out in ages! And it will be even better because I'll be with you (starring into his eyes)

A: you two! (Angrily pointing at you and George) first you go wondering off and now your chatting in my lesson?

Y: sorry, my bad (giggling)

*its the end of the day and you and the lads are stood outside of collage chatting


Collage days: a union j / george shelley fanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora