Boarding the plane

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*its now two months later and you and George are in collage for the last day of term before you go on holiday on the night*

A: so! An hour practice on your solos and then it's performance time! Remember this counts to your grade (she had a serious look on her face)

JJ: is George aloud to play guitar for me because Im singing counting stars?

A: yep that's fine

*you all go off and practice and you, George, Jaymi, JJ and josh share a practice room*

G: babe (hugging you) you singing love story or Pompeii?

Y: hmm I dunno which one do you find easier to play? (Giggling)

G: the real question is which one do you enjoy singing the most (giggling as he rests his arms around your waist and you rest yours around his neck)

Y: hmm which one do you think sounds better

G: well I really like love story

Y: love story it is then (pecking his lips)

Jaymi: right, mines gonna be a surprise ok! I'm going next door to practice (walking out)

Y: aww Jaymi can't your best friend in the whole wide world come listen? (You give him the sad puppy dog eyes)

Jaymi: I'm sorry babe no can do (winking)

Y: aww jayyyyy

Jaymi: sorry you'll just have to wait and (singing) listeeen (he shuts the door)

JJ: George mate can we practice? I've never sang it with a guitar

G: sure mate (picks up his guitar and plays)

*this is the first time you've heard JJ sing on his own properly and wow he was amazing! You can't understand why he has the least solos*

G: yeah that sounded good mate! (High fiving him)

Y: JJ, where in the hell have you been hiding that voice?!

JJ: (giggling) in my voice box

Josh: told you he's our secret weapon (nodding at you)

Y: he sure is! (Smiling at JJ)

*you all rehearse and all get called in to sing*

A: right first up josh!

Josh: why me?!

A: why not?

Josh: fair point (giggling as he walked up to the mic and see beneath your beautiful backing track played)

*wow! He could hit the high notes! He was amazing! A few other people performed then it was George's turn, he sung a mash up of roar and wild ones, you've heard him sing this before and as usual he smashed It! And the whole way through it he was looking into your eyes. Straight after, JJ sang counting stars which was amazing like in the room but better. A few more people sang then it was your go*

G: (whispering in your ear) you'll be amazing babe (kissing your cheek as you smiled)

*you got up and sang while George played guitar! most of the time you had your eyes fixed on George's as he starred into your eyes smiling as he played the guitar and you sang. You Finnish and hug George on the way back to your seats*

Y: thanks for going up there with me babe (kissing his cheek)

G: it's my pleasure (squeezing you)

A: and last but not least, Jaymi

*jaymi got up and sang listen, your eyes widened as you couldn't get over how confident he was up there on his own and his high notes, well, he smashed it!*

Collage days: a union j / george shelley fanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant