Another Tag From My Demonic Cousin

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On the lighter side, I'm prone to writing romance and fantasy. Mystery, not so much, but I've been told that I have a tendency to write for it.

For characters, I have a liking for villains and tsundere characters. I don't really like writing innocent characters, or those who are just kind to a very, very obvious fault. I'm not a nice person, so just.. no.

How do you cope with writer's block?

Music is the best answer. I listen to songs, watch movies, hang out with friends, or just curl up and read, read, and read some more. Usually, I listen to a very wide collection of songs, ranging from classical music to mainstream pop. Alternative rock is my most common jam, however.

What aspect of your writing are you most proud of?

Nothing, actually. I'm not really proud of my writing; I'm more often than not cringing at what I write.

Tell us about the books on your 'to write' list.

Let's see.. both of these are Hetalia fanfictions, by the way.

1. Monstrous - a dystopian Soulmate AU, where the Nations are genetically engineered beings called Knights. Despite that, however, they are still born with a clock which leads to their true partner.

2. Toska - another Soulmate AU.

Other than my fanfics, I've been keeping my originals on the downlow, as I haven't time to thoroughly outline everything as of yet. Distortion, Eyes of Azure's rewrite's universe, however, has a universe which is very similar to Monstrous.

Most anticipated upcoming books?

Probably my YouTuber AU duology, Through Boundless Seas. Other than that, probably Let Love Bleed Black and To Have And To Hold.

Do you remember the moment you decided to be a writer/author?

No, actually. I only started writing for fun, and it was developed even further when I joined contests, but I don't really remember when it started that I wanted to get my works noticed.

What's your world-building process like?

Everything is on a whim. There's no process. That's basically it; everything in my books were added there on a whim, never pre-planned unless I made an outline before what I wrote goes to Hell in a hand-basket. They all come from random inspirations, most of which I don't even remember anymore.

What's the most research you've ever put into a book?

I think it's for The Prince, my collab in planning with a friend of mine. I remember weeks after weeks of reading Cardverse Hetalia fanfictions and doujins, looking at the wiki, then looking at both official Arte Stella art or fan arts. Next to that would be for Eyes of Azure, when I was looking at a few things.

Every writer's least favorite question—where does your inspiration come from? Do you do certain things to make yourself more inspired? Is it easy for you to come up with story ideas?

I have plenty of inspiration, actually—too much, to be honest. I could be sitting in class and listening to a teacher, then an idea would hit me. I could be walking down the street with friends and a particular thought would latch onto me. I could just be reading a fic or doujin while listening to music when my thoughts would wander off and form another story idea. I don't necessarily have to do anything to be inspired; it just comes to me. Motivation is a whole other problem, however.

How do you stay focused on your own work and how do you deal with comparison?

I'm not quite sure if any of my readers have compared my works with others, but I myself have, to be honest. And I always find my own work to be lacking. On one hand, it helps me to stay grounded and finish what I've started, but on the other, it can also drain my motivation.

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