Randomness? Randomness.

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Here's a few snippets of possible ideas which I got, yet again.

Tagging these people because I need opinion on these just in case I go on a random tangent and write these before I finish my priorities.

UnchainedHeart greyhavensking PokemonRio FayeeeM ThatCertainNerd EeveeXora

I'm sorry for the disturbance xD

i. Stereotypically Evil
[ temporary title; might be changed if I decide to write this someday ]

Wherein a sociopathic antagonist talks about how he came to be within his author's head. Discusses how a character is made, basically, and how the world is shaped through their eyes. Might include stuff about how he's been molded into a stereotypically necessary evil in the plotline just so it can have a plot.

^^ that's really random, and I only wanted to make an original which focuses on the antagonist instead of the protagonist. (Also because I wanted to try making a sociopath for a change, because why not?)

Here, have a probable snippet, unedited and out of the blue because I'm writing these off the top of my head:

Everything came from nothing.

Oh, don't turn away now before it's even begun, muttering about how that can even be possible, how a paradox can be made certain. Please, anything is possible within the confines of the Mind—the best and the worst are created from nothing, and from there comes everything you've always known, currently knows, and will possibly know in the future.

Dear me, I'm getting ahead of myself again, am I? That's possible, since She has told me that I have been created to be this way—unpredictability really helps when you were created for one purpose alone.

Now, I'll clear up two things you should know before you proceed.

One: I am evil. That's who I was created to be, who I presently am, who I will be. I will not deny my faults. I will not fall onto my knees to beg for forgiveness unless She condemns me otherwise. (And with the way I've been 'misbehaving'—Her words, not mine—recently, it's likely that that will be sooner than my fair rival figures out his faults.)

And two: what you will read is how I, the most stereotypically evil character ever invented, ever came to be.

Random? You bet it is.

Here's fic number two:

ii. Enmity's Embrace
[ title might be changed if I decide to really change this into a Percy Jackson & the Olympians/Hetalia crossover fic. ]

The end of his world started with a migraine.

It might have seemed like a little thing to any other normal human being, but in truth, he wasn't even human. He looked like it, true, and he acted so much like a cliché teenager, but he knew that he wasn't ordinary.

Not at all.

And so, a migraine for one Alfred F. Jones, anthropomorphic representation of the United States of America, was quite a big deal and needed to be dealt with immediately—

—if only he wasn't currently in the company of his lover, who, even in the best of times, was quite the worrywart.

Yes, it's USUK. Sue me.

What do you think?

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