20 Not when I am alive

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"No Joe. That is not true" I told him because I am going to get hurt and he is going to walk away fine like he did last time.

"I need to get back today. My life is awaiting back. It is nice to be here talking and enjoying, but it will end soon. And the sooner it does the better" I told him.

"What is it about you that is driving me crazy?" he asked me.

"The novelty. I am bound by my religion and you find it a novelty. Once the novelty is gone, I will be yet another woman who embraced your life once upon a time"

"Do you love me?"

what the hell?? How am I to answer that.

"I am going to ignore that question"

"Why? It's simple. Do you love me?" he kept persisting. I kept quite. I am not going to answer him.

"Okay, silence means I can interpret it as I like. So you love me. Why are you fighting this then?"
I kept quite.

"Does marriage is that important to you?"

"It isn't important to me, but for my religion it is. And I place my religion above me. So yes, it is important"

"So, why don't you marry me? I already asked you once"

"Polygamy is illegal" I told him flatly.

"What if I tell you, Alina and I broke up? Would you consider marrying me then?"

"Okay, after 5 years you see me, then decide Alina is not worth the trouble. What if you meet someone after you marry me and decide I am not worth it too? So, no thanks. I am not going to get married to you"

"Let's see to that. Come we need to move. It looks like it might rain"

We reached home just before the rain start pouring down.

"If I promise to stay until the weekend, will you give me my phone? I need to make some calls" I asked him.

"Promise me you will stay, I will give you your phone. I trust you"

"I only have to call Mrs. Butler and informed her I am being held due to work. I can make the call here, in front of you"

He gave me the phone. I went to my room, called Mrs. Butler. Then I head my phone beep. There is a message from an unknown number. When I read the message, I sat down. I am in love.


She made dinner quite early. I was surprised when she suddenly asked me to play something on the piano. I pointed to my cheek asking for a kiss, knowing I am to be disappointed.

"I am feeding you which is quite enough compensation"

"Billionaire Joe Malroy just honored you with his musical skills Ms. Zahra Shukur. Would you do the honor of kissing him or marrying him as a favor?" I asked her trying best to give my most puppy like face. She only laughed.

"You know Zahra, you don't have to marry me for love. Instead you also can marry me for my money. I am quite rich you know" I told her again.

"I'll remember that. If I am every broke, I will consider marrying you or better, I can marry your money and leave you aside" she is a wicked thing.

"You broke my heart"

"Another piece until I get the food ready"

"two kisses pending"

For some reason, Zahra looks happy. Much cheerful than yesterday and today. Her cooking is divinely. The smell is killing me.

"I am hungry" I said siting down at the dining table. She served food for me and herself. We ate silently. I don't lift a finger when I am at home. I felt bad Zahra had to do all the work.

"Anything I can do to help baby?"

"No, I am fine. Jut finished everything" she told me.

"Joe, I am exhausted. I am going to bed early. Is there anything else you need before I go?"

"No babe. Good night" and I placed a kiss on her forehead. She didn't react or retreat like she always does. But smiled instead and went to her room.

I called Alina to ask how things are progressing and to discuss some work related things. Things are moving well. A consolation. Soon Zahra will be mine.

Next day morning I wanted to go fishing. Zahra is always up before sunrise, does her prayers and make breakfast. She is a sight to behold in the morning. I reached her half asleep.

"Good morning my love"

"Assalamualaikum" she replied. During the course of my stay at her house, she always greet me with Assalamualaikum. I didn't know what to say generally, so I say same to you.

"same to you. I want to go fishing today. please come with me"

"No, I am not going to let you go in water. Not after what happened yesterday"

"Come on babe. Don't be difficult. I will be taking the small boat outside. It's quite safe. Come with me. I will teach you to fish"


I wasn't sure I wanted to go with him. Yesterday when Joe slipped, I almost lost my mind. I still dread to think.  He came behind me and gave me one of his bear hugs and a kiss on my forehead. I kept thinking of Alina's message all night yesterday. What if she said wasn't true? No, I am sure it is. My heart skipped a beat. In which case , today being Monday, I have only 3 more days.

I turned my body and buried my face on Joe's chest.

"You almost scare me to death yesterday with your stunt. Please, no more water related adventures"

"It's safe. Me and mum use to fish. You will love it" he said holding me tightly.

"Okay, have your breakfast and we'll go" with that he hurried.

"Wear a pant and something love. Your attire aren't for adventure activities"

I had a denim pant and a long sleeveless top. Luckily I have packed a cardigan. Good enough with my hijab to do fishing.

When I entered the living room, Joe looked surprised. His eyes scanned me head to toe while I try not to notice.

"You asked me to wear something fishing friendly, and when I wear it, you frown"

"Don't ever wear anything lie this when anyone other than myself present" he told me quite rudely.

"This is totally decent. I can wear this and go touring the world" what the hell is wrong with him.

"Not when I am alive. Come, we are getting late"

So we fished, then bbq the fish for lunch. Had an early dinner and went to bed early quite happy.

The next 2 days passed as the last 3 days. And I know Joe is impatient. But let's see what surprise Thursday has in store for us.

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