Part One

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"Beep!..Beep!..Beep!..Beep!" Blares the six o'clock alarm, earning a grunt and a sigh to emerge from a groggy Jake. He slaps his alarm quiet and he lays back in bed, debating if he wants to go to school or not. The dark haired Jr in high school finally swings his legs over the side of his bed and makes his way to the bathroom. Coming out of the bathroom, he is greeted by his large, hairy, golden retriever, Toby jumping up and Licking his face.

"Okay Toby! Good morning! Hey! Okay, okay. Get down now!" Jake laughs as he pets Toby's soft head.

He strides into his room to search for clean clothes to wear for the day. He ransacks through his dresser and picks out a shirt; he sniffs the shirt, and after approving of its semi-fresh scent. He flips it over his head and sticks his arms through their assigned holes. He then chooses a pair of jeans he had just washed the day before. He slips the dark jeans through his legs and finishes off with his everyday black Nikes he always wears. After a spritz of cologne, he grabs his backpack and heads down the stairs to the kitchen where Cinderella is slaving away, cooking breakfast. He inhales the warm sound of sizzling bacon and seasoned eggs as if his morning depended on it. Relishing in the delicious scent, he takes a seat at the dining table.

"Good morning mom." Jake says as he sits down at the kitchen table.

"Good morning son, how'd you sleep?" She questions as she walks over, skillet in hand and dumps some of the eggs onto his plate.

"Eh, I slept okay I guess." He answers, pouring orange juice in his tall glass full of ice. "How 'bout you mom? Did you get some sleep?" Jake mutters through a full mouth of eggs.

"Yeah, I got a few hours." She gives Jake a quick smile as she turns back around, walking over to the sink to wash up the morning dishes.

A small tear trickles down her cheek only to be lost in the pool of water and soap below her. Jake finishes his breakfast and steps over to where his is mother, placing the dishes in the sink. He notices her pain, knowing so surely that she isn't over the fact that his dad left them. He swings her around to make her face him and embraces his mother, releasing the bull pent up within her.

"You're going to be late, Jake." She chokes out, after a good 5 minutes of weeping. She straightens up, places a gentle kiss on her sons cheek and turns back around to finish cleaning her dirty dishes. "Have a good day son, I love you." She says in between sniffles. Jake kisses his mom's cheek and tells her he loves her too.

He charges upstairs to change his tear stained shirt. He feels awful for his mom, he begins to hate his dad for leaving him and his mother like he did, and to make his mother so upset. She really loved his dad, Why didn't he love her like she did? Why did he have to leave?

He finally finds a new shirt and rushes back downstairs and out the front door. He presses the unlock button on his grey 1999 Chevy Malibu remote hearing the familiar unlocking sound of the doors. He jumps in on the driver side and throws his backpack to the passenger seat. He puts the key in the ignition and turns over the engine. He then puts his car in reverse and hearing his car scream he races down the residential street..

He makes it to his school with 20 minutes to spare. He parks his car in the student parking area. As he is backing up into the spot he abruptly stops as a pale girl, pale as a sickly person, with long blonde hair walks behind his car. He didn't recognize her at all. She gave an apologetic wave and walked faster out of his way. He puts his car in park. Takes the keys out of the ignition, grabs his backpack and locks his door behind him as he starts to walk to the entrance of the school.

Jake feels his Iphone ding in his front pocket. He fishes it out and sees that Vanessa has texted him

"Are you at school yet?" It read on the small screen. Vanessa has been Jake's best friend since the dawn of time. They have been neighbors since they were both born and they've grown up with each other ever since.

"Yeah. Where'd you wanna meet?" He replies and shoves his phone back in his pocket.

Jake walks to his locker which; fortunately, is close to his first period, which is Math. He grabs his math textbook and slams his locker only to be greeted by the girl he almost hit back in the parking lot. He gasps in surprise for he wasn't expecting anyone to be there.

"Hi! I just wanted to apologize for the scare back there in the parking lot. And now for scaring you again." she laughs an awkward laugh not giving direct eye contact. She was pale, Her eyes a deep shade of grey that haunted him every time she looked at his brown ones, but she was beautiful. She was maybe 5'6 in height and really thin and she had a jaw carved by aphrodite herself. She had very defined cheekbones and she was wearing a floral summer dress with brown boots.

"That's okay, I needed an adrenaline wake up anyway." Jake assures letting out a deep laugh. Abby looks up and smiles at his six foot one frame. Jake's phone dinged again.

"Meet me in the common area" Vanessa texts back. Jake peeks up from his phone at the girl in front of him and gives a soft smile.

"I'm sorry, I gotta go. Oh I'm Jake by the way." He says sticking his hand out to greet the girl.
"I'm Abby." She smiles back. Taking his hand in hers and moving it up and down. Jake looks down at her hand, astonished at how cold she was, her ghastly white hand felt like it was made of ice. He lets go of her hand, shuts his locker and starts down the hall.

"Apology accepted!" He calls back at her. Earning stares and glares from his peers around him as they whisper amongst themselves about him.. She gives him a soft smile and spins around and heads the other direction. Disappearing around the corner.

"Who were you talking to?" Vanessa questions from behind him, frightening him; making his breath quicken. He looks up at his ruby red haired best friend. She curled it today, and she was wearing a pair of skin tight jeans with a plain t-shirt and a leather jacket matching her outfit with a pair of white Converse and a black choker necklace making her green eyes pop.

"Jesus, Nessa! You scared me! And no one, just some new girl I guess. Her name is Abby." Jake informs shrugging his shoulders, still trying to calm his heart rate down after the scare.
"Abby, huh? Is she pretty?" Vanessa teases, waggling her eyebrows as she waits for his answer.
"Erm, yeah, I guess. She's very pale though, almost looks translucent." He admitted, giving Vanessa an incredulous look for her teasing demeanor

"Well, introduce me to her next time. I'm famished. Let's go get some food huh? Vanessa quickly says, gripping Jake's wrist and dragging him along with her. He falters at first but he catches up. He looks back at his locker, he has a weird feeling about Abby. But he can't seem to define it. No one ever walks up to him voluntarily and talks to him. She had this weird vibe that Jake observed too. Jake felt a bit paranoid, like this could lead to trouble, but he also felt as if he wanted to get to know Abby's interesting persona. He drives the thoughts away and walks in pace with Vanessa wandering through the school's doors and into the parking lot.

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