Chapter 1

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As my mother and I walked over to my instructor i felt my hands getting sweaty and my heart beating extremely fast.

"Mrs. King you look amazing as always!" My instructor complimented my mother and they leaned in to kiss each other on the cheek.

"I just wanted to inform you that London has been doing exceptionally well in my class and she takes directions from me so well!"

I felt the world being lifted from my shoulders with just that statement.

Compliments were something that I wasn't use to.


My heart dropped hearing him utter those 3 letters.

"London seems to be very uptight with some of her dance moves . When she walks it's very graceful, even poetic, but her dancing will be her biggest downfall if she doesn't work harder at it." He informed my mother.

"Is that so ?" My mother said side -eyeing me.

I swallowed the lump in my throat not daring to meet her gaze .

"Well we will definitely work on that , won't we London?" My mother said staring directly into my petrified eyes .

"Yes we will " I answered, quickly nodding my head.

"Well then that's settled! Come on London, we have to get home!" My mother said gripping my arm tightly and pulling me away from the instructor .

She spoke no words as we walked to the car and I was nervous. Getting inside of the truck I had no time to put on my seat belt before she slapped me with so much force that spit flew from my mouth.


"You can't do anything right!" She growled at me , as I held my cheek. The hot tears rushed down my face and my cheek was on fire , I knew I would have another bruise by morning .

"I swear to God your just like your no good ass brother! Do you wanna be ghetto ass hood rat? It would suit you jus fine!"

She snarled back handing me once again but this time it was much harder. Much, much harder. Feeling a warm liquid ooze out of my nose and onto my lip, I knew I had to bleeding. I quickly pulled my hand to my face trying to catch as much blood as possible.

I began cried silently all the way home, fearing that if I cried too loudly she might do worse.

Reaching inside of my purse I grabbed a napkin and began wiping my nose as she continued to drive while looking straight ahead and not even looking to check on me.
By the time the bleeding subsided we had already pulled up to our luxurious gated mansion.

My father wasn't some big time lawyer or anything . It was my grandfather who owned Atlantic records and my spoiled ass father reaped the benefits of it.

My father was a good man and he protected me from my mothers wrath many times but it wasn't nearly as many of times she got ahold of me.

Getting out of the car , I slowly trudged my way up prisons steps not wanting to go inside. Coming up behind me my mother held me by my collar pulling me closer to her.

"I'm only letting you eat dinner tonight because your father is home , count your blessings you little whore." She spat lowly in my ear before walking into the house where we were greeted by my father.

"Hello honey."My mother cooed at my father kissing him on the lips making my stomach churn.

"Hello princess" he said to me placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Hi daddy" I said in a small voice wrapping my arms around his torso . He always made me feel so safe and I knew he would protect me from the world if he could.

"What happened to your cheek honey" he asked lightly stroking the bruise I had just recieved moments ago ,causing me to flinch instantly.

Before I could open my mouth to speak my mother cut me off.

"She fell at practice , it was a total disaster." She said dramatically placing a hand on her forehead.

"Hmph, well let's eat." My dad exclaimed leading the way into the dining area.

I wish he could see through her evil ways.

My mouth began to water at the sight of all the food that was laid out. The table was filled with turkey legs , dressing , macaroni and cheese, fried chicken, and mashed potatoes.

Grabbing a plate I took full advantage of me being able to eat tonight.

Last night I was only allowed to have crackers and cheese , and this would be the 1st time I ate since then. My mother was way too worried about my weight.

Once my plate was full I began scarfing down the food . Monica really put her foot in this meal.

My dad laughed as he watched me devour my plate ."Sweetheart the food isn't going to go anywhere, take your time!" He smiled at me.

Feeling my mothers scolding eyes on me , I stopped eating my food and stared down into my lap.

"Awh go on sweetheart continue eating . I just was messing with you princess, you can eat as much as you'd like."

"No dad it's not that." I said rubbing my stomach pretending that it was hurting. "I think I ate too fast" I lied.

I actually wanted to continue feasting but my mother cold glare wouldn't allow me to do so.

"Alright then.." My dad sighed awkwardly. "Have you heard anything from the colleges ?"

"Yes" I responded eagerly. "Michigan State University accepted me and-"

"Decline them" My mother said effortlessly taking another bite of her macaroni.

"Excuse me?" My father retored, looking at his wife in disbelief . I stayed silent knowing this was about to turn into another argument .

"I said she's not going." My mother snapped raising her eyebrow , she was clearly challenging my father and he knew it.

"Well excuse me Lynn ,but I don't see a problem with London attending Michigan State , its a very good school! "

As my parents continued to bicker back and forth, I cast my eyes over at the empty spot next to me at the table where my brother Dominic would be if my mother hadn't kicked him out. Unlike me my brother wasn't putting up with my mothers shit.

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