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Drunk Male Crush x Female Reader
Happy Oneshot (?)

Bold: C/N
Italics: Y/N


Saturday, October 24


Y/U/N: You ok?

C/U/N: I am in need of halp

Y/U/N: What did you do this time?


Y/U/N: I'm worrying now, are you ok?

C/U/N: Can you pick me up, I'm at the bar.

Y/U/N: Yeah, which one? Also again, are you ok?

C/U/N: The one downtown, and I'm fine.

Y/U/N: I'm coming, don't go anywhere.


I hope he's ok, this is getting out of hand. He is starting to have a drinking problem.

I pull into the bar's parking lot trying to spot the C/H/C male. I see him on the curb, holding his eye and having him hunch over. I immediately get out of the car to aid him.

"What the hell did you do!"
"Heh, Hi Y/N"
"I thought you said you were OK!"
"Sorry, I didn't want you *hic* to worry"
"Are you still drunk?"
"Haha... *hic* Yeah"
"Alright, come on let's go to my house"
"Does that mean... I'm actually gonna *hic* get laid tonight!"
", so let's go."

I try to get him to stand up and walk to the car with him being tipsy,  He falls a couple times but he doesn't think much of it.

"You know you're really *hic* pretty" he said while I help him into the car, I od my head not even wanting to deal with him. 

"You're really nice and caring, that's some of the reasons why I loooveee yooouuu!" he commented while I get into my car. 

"Here have some water, lets try to sober you you stop talk nonsense" I mumble the last part. 

Wow how much did this guy drink? 

---Time Skip---

He comes into my apartment walking sluggishly. He falls on the couch, face first.

I chuckle, "are you tired?"
"Yeah but I want to stay up with you.." he says tiredly, he sits up and pats a spot next to him. I walk over sitting down, automatically feeling weight on my thighs. I look down to see his head facing the other way. 

"why  have you been drinking a  lot?" I ask playing with his hair
"You know how R/N and I broke up?" He said sadly
"I guess that's been affecting me tremendously especially last month I found out she was cheating on me that whole time."
"Oh, C/N" I hug his head.
"I've just been drinking away my problems cause while that was happening problems with friends happened. Then something happened with family... It's just gets so stressful. " He says pulling his head away and sitting up.
"You never told me"
"I didn't want you to stress out" He says looking at me. 
"You're an idiot, come here" I say opening my arms, Him soon laying his head on my chest and laying down me doing the same(can you imagine that 🤔).
"I haven't been able to sleep too... " He says yawning.
"Shh... Get some rest then" I say rubbing his head, soon hearing soft snores.
"What am I gonna do with you?"

---Time Skip---


feel arms around my waist and feel a warm chest, I open my eyes to see a peaceful sleeping C/N. I smile at his peaceful state.

He really has been through a lot.

His eyes slowly open, revealing sleepy C/E/C eyes. He sends me a smile and pulls me closer.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked concern lacing my voice.
"Yeah best sleep I've gotten in awhile."
"That's good"
"Hey, Y/N?"

I feel his soft lips smash into mine, and slowly kisses with it being full of love and passion. I slowly kiss back.

He pulls away with a blushing face, "Thanks for always being there for me..."
"N-no problem" I stutter out.

"Not to ruin the moment but I have a killer hang over... " He said pushing his head in the crook of my neck.

A/n: YAY I UPDATED! Lmfao if you can't tell I don't drink causing me not know what the terms are please don't be mad. Also have I ever had a kissing scene and do you like them?

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