His Happiness

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Female Reader x Male Crush
Sad One shot


I walk into class feeling confident and having a good day so far. I sit next to my best friend, c/n. He greets me with a smile and a wave, me doing the same.

"I have a question, to ask you..."
"What is it you can tell me anything, c/n." I say looking into his c/e/c eyes.

"I need your help.. I want to start talking to my crush, but I'm nervous to start talking to her.."
I feel my heart shatter and want to cry but, I put my mask on.
"C/n I think you should just go for it! Heck I dont know who wouldn't like you, you are such an amazing guy! So dont worry, I know for a fact she will like you!"
He chuckle and gives me a side hug.
"You really are something, ya know that y/n. Thanks for bringing my confidence up."
"I'll always be here, no problem."

I wonder why I'm not good enough... Maybe its because he sees me as a sister... Or a annoying girl he just talks to... I feel like I just want to breakdown and cry.

I start laughing to break my sadness, he starts to chukle.

"Why are you laughing?"
"I was just thinking I should be you wingman, wait is it women, wingwomen?"

Nice save y/n...

He laughs "You Idiot, though I have to say that would be nice."
"I will be your best wingman, I will make this girl fall for you!"
"Yeah, that would be nice. I think I might give her my phone number- wait can you give her my phone number?"
"Oh yeah sure!"
"Great I'll talk to her tonight!"
"I'll give her your phone number next class, ok?"

He gives me another hug but this time a full one, I blush lightly.

"Thank you so much Y/n!"
"Again its nothing, I'll do anything for you."

~time skip to next class (cause dads are great, I'm talking about space dad and soldier Dad")~

"Hey R/n"
"Oh, hey Y/n!"
" I wanted to give you C/n's phone number because well he's a pretty dank dude!"

The heck did I just say.

"oh gosh thank you! I was gonna ask him for this later, I was wanting to talk to him!"
"Oh... Well now you have his number." I say dissapointed and put my head down
"I'm thinking about confessing to him" I look up instantly to see the girl in a thinking position.
"W-what, you like him?"

The girl starts to blush, "Y-Yeah, I've liked him for awhile now."
"Oh well I think you should confess, I mean you will never know if he likes you."
"Your right I-I will!"

R/n seems happy, I'm glad she likes C/n, he will be happy.

~time skip~

I do my nightly routine and start trying to fall asleep until I hear a buzz on my night stand, I turn towards and pick it to see a text from C/n...

-beginning of text-


Hey Idk if ur up but, Me and R/n  were talking and we both confessed and now were dating! I'm so happy thank you so much for helping me!

Thats great C/n I'm glad it worked out for you! I'll talk to you more tomorrow I have to go to bed but know I'm happy for you!

Good Night, also thank you again!

-end of text-

I look up at my ceiling and hold back tears, which ended up falling like waterfalls. I curl up into a ball and go under my blankets.

At least he's happy

A/n: Sorry I know its not a happy ending, but I'll be making both sad and happy ones, don't worry. I hope ye enjoy.

See ya. 😝

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