Six: After Work

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Bex's P.O.V. 

I wake up in the morning on the couch. I can still feel the tears on my cheeks. I must have cried while I was sleeping, too. I look at the time to see that it is 12:53 in the afternoon. I have to work at 3:30 today. 

I listen for the sounds of sleeping, hoping Roar is here and not out somewhere doing something stupid or getting hurt. I don't hear snoring and I sigh. I check my phone to make sure that he didn't text me. Nothing except a text from Bob asking me to come in at 2:00 instead of 3:30. It is almost 1 and it takes an hour to get there and I haven't even showered yet. 

I respond and tell him that I will make it there around 2:30. I get up and make sure that Roar isn't here by checking the bedroom and he isn't. I sigh and get my shower.


I arrive at work at exactly 2:27. I get out and rush inside. I apologize to Bob for being later than he wanted but he just dismisses me and tells me to get to work. I work my area of the diner most of the night. We start to die down and we barely have any customers, none of which are in my area. 

I sit down and rest. My body is killing me, especially my feet. I quietly groan in pain and set my head down. 

"You okay, there?" a familiar voice asks. 

I look up to see Grayson staring at me, concern showing on his face. He holds a plate with food on it. "I was told to give this to you," he says.

"What are you doing here," I ask him quizzically. 

"I came here to see your beautiful face. It's nice to see," he smiles. 

I smile back. "Thank you." 

He sets the plate down and sits in front of me. "What have you ate today?" he asks. 

"Nothing. I woke up, got a shower, and came straight here. Then I worked all day. We close in like 10 minutes," I say. 

"Eat," he says simply. 

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Eat," he says pointing towards the food he brought. It looks really good but I can't seem to want to eat it. 

"It's fine, Grayson. I'm not the hungry," I say shaking my head. 

"C'mon. At least try. You haven't eaten anything all day," he pleads.

"Why do you care so much," I wonder out loud. 

"Because you need to have someone care for you. You seem like you deserve that much, at least," he says. 

I pick at the food and take small bites. My hunger gets the best of me now that I am actually eating and I start eating more and more until it is all gone. 

One of the waitresses walks up to the table and says, "Hey Bexley. We are closing like right now so we got to start cleaning up." She looks at Grayson quickly and leaves. 

"I'm going to take that as a sign to go outside," he says chuckling. 

"Yeah. Probably. It was nice of you to come here though. Thanks for stopping by, I guess," I say laughing a bit. 

"Is it okay if I wait outside in my car for you or do you have plans?" he asks me.

I pretend to think about it even though I know that I will just be driving home to a (probably empty) apartment complex. "No, I don't have anything planned that I can think of," I say casually. 

"So it's okay that I wait for you?" he asks. 

"Yeah. I'll see you in like a half hour," I say. 

He agrees and walks out and I start cleaning.


I walk out of the restaurant and make sure the door is locked. I send Roar a quick text: 
Hey Roar. Idk if you are gonna come home tonite but i just wanted to make sure you know that i am gonna be late and then i might stay over at a friends. i though i would just let you know where i was at ever tho you never let me know.

I turn m phone completely off and put it in my purse. I walk up to Grayson's truck to the driver's side window. He rolls it down so I can speak to him. 

"So where are we going tonight?" I ask him. 

"Where do you want to go?" he asks with a smirk. 

I give him a mischievous smile and think about a couple places I would go with him but they all involve being in bed. I'm in that kind of mood. 

"Why you smiling like that pretty girl?" he asks me.

"Trust me when I say you don't want to know," I smile again. 

"Seriously, where do you want to go?" he asks. 

"I don't know. I'm tired and my body is killing me. I just want to relax because tomorrow I actually have the day off. I just kind of want to chill and relax somewhere, ya feel?" I say.

"So where would that be?" he asks. 

"Can I just spend the night with you maybe?" I ask hopefully. 

"Yeah, if that's what you want," he says. 

"Yeah. That would be nice," I say.

"Okay then. Hope in," he says. 

"Actually, imma just drive my car. I'll follow you," I say. 

"Sounds like a deal," he says, "I don't live far from here anyway."

I get in my car and follow him as he pulls out (y'all have dirty minds 😂 but I mean so do I so its okay) of the parking lot. 

When he said he didn't live far from here I thought he meant like a couple miles but no. This nigga meant like a couple blocks. We pull up to the apartment complex and I get out. He leads me to his apartment and opens the door. I step inside the surprisingly clean apartment. It smells nice too. 

He walks through the front room and into his room. "You can lay on my bed tonight and I can lay on the couch so you're comfortable."

"I'm comfortable sleeping in the same bed as you," I say my heart beating faster. 

"Are you sure?" he asks.

"Yes," I confidently say. 

"Okay," he says. He takes his shirt off and slips his pants down. He lays in the bed. I slip my dress off my shoulders and it slips off my body. I'm grateful that this dress required a bra. I lay on the bed next to Grayson. 

I can feel his eyes on me and then I feel his hands on my back. He rubs my back slowly and I start to fall asleep feeling lighter than I have in the longest time. 




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