5: Another?

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Bex's P.O.V.

As we point out stars to each other, my stomach twirls around with paranoia. I, surprisingly, love hanging out with Grayson. He is so chill and makes me feel hysterical. Its only the part when I start thinking about Roar do I get upset. 

I love Roar. I kind of have to. If I don't love Roar, then what was it all for? What was the last three years for? If I'm not with Roar, who is going to help me when I age out? Where would I go? I don't have anyone. Except for Roar. 

Grayson turns his head and kisses my forehead. My face gets hot and I smile, even though he can't see my face. My face lays on his chest and his arm is wrapped around me. We both lay still on the blanket pointing out stars. 

After what feels like hours, I sit up. Grayson soon follows my lead. I don't care what time it is or how long I have been here. I want to stay here. I want to stay in this little moment that Grayson has created for us. I barely know the guy and I feel so strongly for him. I like spending time with him. 

But I have Roar. I can't. I can't let myself be selfish enough to cheat on Roar. I could never. Right?

"I'm so tired. And as much as I like being here and not there, I really need sleep. I don't think an abandoned cornfield in the place to be to sleep," I tell Grayson. He smiles. 

"Your right," he laughs. "Would you consider going out with me again sometime?"

"Oh. So you mean an actual consensual date?" I joke. He chuckles a little. 

"Yeah. I mean, yeah," he stutters. 

"Well, since I am out of school and it is the summer I am trying to get as many hours as possible. I am only going to be getting maybe one day off a week if I'm lucky. And that one day off, I'll probably end up cleaning up after everyone else and maybe catching up on sleep. I don't even know my schedule yet," I complain. 

I don't mean to complain. At least I am getting the hours I wanted. Well, not really wanted but needed. It gets so hard since Roar doesn't have a job and someone has to pay phone bills, rent, and get groceries. Ugh.

"Is that a no?" he sadly asks.

"No, it's not a no. It is simply an 'I don't know when I'm free because I'm always working or cleaning'. Sorry," I say. 

"It's fine Bex. I can find a way around it. I just gotta think. Do you work the same hours all the time?" he questions. 

"Yeah. Sometimes earlier, sometimes later. The latest I come in is at 4, though. Then, I always work to close," I say to Grayson. 

"Okay. Well, let me take you back to your car," he says. 


The car ride back was quiet. It wasn't awkward, just peaceful. No questions, no talking, no yelling. Just peaceful. He pulls up to Rusty Red and I get out. He meets me at my door and closes the door for me. The wind hits my body and I shiver. The tank top and shorts aren't doing me justice now. He grabs my hand hesitantly.

We walk the couple steps to Rusty Red and he opens the door for me. I smile at him and roll my eyes. I slide into my comfortable, warm seat and look up at Grayson. He bends down, our faces inches apart. He lifts his head up a bit and his lips touch my forehead. His lips linger there for a second until he pulls away. 

"Goodnight. Have a safe drive," he says. He closes the door. 

"See you whenever," I say through my cracked window. 

"How am I supposed to contact you. I don't have your number," he states smiling. 

"You know where I work and my hours. You'll find a way," I say. I smile and start my car. 

"See ya, Bex," he says. 

"See ya, Gray," I say as I pull away from him and his truck and head home. 


The apartment is quiet when I enter through the front door. I usually can hear Roar sleeping but I don't hear anything at all. 

I hang my dress up in the closet by the front door and set my heels down below it. I set my purse down on the small kitchen table. I head straight towards me and Roars bedroom. The door is open and the bed is empty. 

There aren't any other bedrooms and he wasn't on the couch. He isn't home. I flop myself down on the couch and stare blankly at the fridge, filled with pictures of me and Roar and magnets. My eyes sting and I feel numb. 

I choose to feel like this. I choose to feel lonely. I choose to be hurt. I choose to be hurt because I don't want to hurt Roar. Why am I like this? 

I let the tears slip out of my eyes as I lay myself down in a ball on the couch and cry into my knees. 




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