Looking for her #9

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Gemini's POV:

  Its officially been 23 days on this island according to the rock that we tally our days on. Im tired and exhausted of sleeping on the cold ground I don't think I can last much longer.

Today Virgo wanted us to split up into groups to find some sort of sign that there are people on this island, since Pisces got taken away. She wants us to try and find her.

I personally think that we're not going to end up finding her, she could have been mauled by an animal and could be lying on the cold ground lifelessly.

I miss her I really do, but I'm starting to lose hope. She's been gone for about a week and a half and no one knows where she went. It's like she just disappeared into thin air; but that's pretty unlikely.

"Everyone get over here!" Virgo shouts. Everyone runs towards her and Capricorn.

"So as you all know Pisces has been missing for more than a week and it's up to us to find her." Capricorn says loudly.

"So you want us to split into groups and look for her?" Cancer speaks up.

"That's exactly what we want you all to do," Virgo chirps.

"What are the groups?" I asked.

" We're going to split up into 3 groups," Virgo answers. "Capricorn will take Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius."

"I'll take Gemini, Cancer and Aries." Virgo says looking towards her group members.

"The next group is Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius." Capricorn states.

"Alright let's move out!" Capricorn yells.

If anything Capricorn is probably doing the worst out of all of us. He misses Pisces the most. He knew a bit about her and cared for her. He looks really tired as if he hadn't gotten any sleep, the bags under his eyes explain. He looks like he could collapse at any minute but keeps going for the sole purpose of finding Pisces.

"My group will take the North from the beach, Taurus' group the west, and Virgo's group the east which goes into the jungle; Good luck everyone!" Capricorn tells us and starts walking away from the beach.

My group starts walking from the right of the beach as we head into the outer part of the jungle, not knowing of what's to come.

                  * * *

Capricorns POV:

I know I haven't know Pisces for that long, but I miss her like crazy already. I don't know too much about her, only the basics, but I want to get to know her more. I think I'm starting to like as more than a friend.

I haven't been in that many relationships but just enough to know what I feel could be real. I'm not the kind of type to get all sappy with my girlfriend, just enough so that I still feel comfortable.

I turn to my side as I see Libra looking at me worriedly. I make a funny face as if to ask her what's going on.

"I asked, did you get any sleep last night or any of the nights before that? You look exhausted."

"Thanks Li, now I know that I look like shit, but to answer your question, no I haven't gotten any sleep the last few nights." I look behind me and see Sagittarius and Scorpio talking paying no attention to mine and Libra's conversation.

"Were you thinking of her?" She frowns.

"Of course I was," I look down hoping to find her soon. "She makes me laugh a lot and she gives the best hugs, she makes me feel like me and I don't have to pretend to be anyone else." I stare into Libras eyes.

"We'll find her don't worry, you have to get better sleep tonight." She points her finger at me.

"I know we'll find her, I just keep playing these scenarios in my head of everything that could have gone wrong."

"Just think of it like this: the more energy you have equals the more time you'll have to find her," she states "Look at you, you can barely keep yourself on your feet, you have heavy bags under your eyes and your speech is a little bit slurred."

"I know, I should probably get some rest when we get back it's just that I miss her so much."

                  * * *

I hope you enjoyed that chapter. I'm sorry I haven't written in a while I've just been really busy.

Thank you so much for reading have a nice day or night (whenever your reading this) ♥️❤️😁

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2017 ⏰

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