Just another day on this weird island #4

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Leo's pov.

I couldn't sleep last night, I heard Virgo and Taurus come back a few hours ago. I had also seen Pisces and Capricorn fall asleep together by the fire. Those two are so cute together and they only met each other yesterday.

All the thoughts lingering in my mind waiting to be answered, though there will be no answer to my questions. No one on this island knows what's going on.

What had I done to deserve anything like this, I don't think I was misbehaved at all before I came here. My heart ached. Why can't I remember anything? When I woke up I had felt apart of myself was lost, looming in the darkness of the shadows. Is my family looking for me? Are they worried about me? Most importantly did I have one?

I rolled over underneath the thick leaves that were covering myself. And propped myself up onto my elbow. I looked over at everyone while rubbing my eyes. Cancer and Sagittarius who I was sharing a shelter with were both fast asleep.

I decided that I wanted to take a walk on the beach. I tiptoed by the other shelters but stared at Taurus and Virgo for an extra minute. When she wakes up I'll ask her about it, I thought.

The sun shined across the water creating beautiful colors in the reflection of the ocean that goes on for miles.

Suddenly, I remember something, it's not that important if I tell anyone, but it's important to me. I remember that my little sister would always bug me to watch the sunrise with her. She used to tell me that I should watch the sunrises more often with her because one day it will all change. Now I know what she meant that one day it will all change. I was so stupid. I was on my phone all the time, never really paid much attention to her in fact. Now I had lost her, and I might never see her again. I shouldn't have been on my phone I should've been spending time with her. Damn it. I messed up. I messed up and I don't think I can fix my mistake.

I sit on the beach, tears pouring out of my eyes. I look up at the sunset one more time and started to walk away. "Oh Emmelyn what have I done?"I whisper to myself and wiping the tears from my eyes.

I was trying to regain my thoughts, from out of the corner of my eye, I see two figures approaching me. Aquarius and Libra.

Hi. Thank you for reading my story I really appreciate it. This chapter isn't really long so I promise that the next one will be longer.😊🌸🌸🌸🌸😊

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