New friendships and dirty secrets #7

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The last thing I remember was going on an adventure to the jungle, and picking bananas and coconuts. I couldn't remember anything else.

I was lying on the ground where I just woke up from, in a room of darkness. I'm probably not conscious right now and I think I hit my head. I started to remember more and more memories about my family and friends. Why did I have to leave my sister? I could have been with her right now.

"Capricorn! Capricorn help me!" I yelled out.

I face palmed. He obviously isn't going to hear me. I'm such an idiot. When am I going to wake up? Am I going to wake up?

Capricorn will save me, I know he will. Capricorn has that friendly, smart and adorable and uptight vibe that he lets off, which is why I find him attractive, I just wish he was more fun. He's so cute, but I don't think he likes me. He's always trying to get away from me, and always staring at Pisces when she's around.

I don't want to upset Pisces. If she likes him I'll stay away from Cap, I just want to be friends with everyone on this island. Sometimes I get really clingy, that must be why Capricorn hates me.

When I wake up, I'm going to ask Capricorn, Pisces and Gemini to start over, so we can all be friends. I don't want to be living with people who hate me.

Just as I thought that, I saw a bright light appear in front of me. I got up and walked over to the light. If I'm going to die right now,I have to accept that.

The light was getting brighter and brighter as I walked closer to it.

I suddenly jolted upright panting. I was now back at the camp with Gemini in front of me, and the rest of the gang surrounding me.

His face etched with concern, "Leo, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

" I'm fine Gem, and not really, my forehead hurts a bit. What happened?" I touched the part of my forehead only to notice that large plant leaf was around my head.

"You fell into a really deep hole and hit your head, which knocked you out. And we carried you back."

"How long was I unconscious for?"

"About three days." Virgo spoke up.

"What?! Hold up, three days?"

"Yes, the second day you were screaming for help." Capricorn said awkwardly.

He heard. I got so embarrassed. I covered my cheeks so that I didn't look that embarrassed.

"You should rest in your tent or shelter or whatever you want to call it. You should be fine by tomorrow." Taurus said in a soft voice.

"Okay, but can you tell Pisces to stay. I want to talk to her." I said. I was lying down on a mat of leaves. Taurus and Virgo seemed really smart, so I trusted them. I don't know what's on my forehead, and I'm not even going to ask.

I saw everyone clear away and go back to what they were doing. Pisces came over to me. She seemed angry and upset.

"Hey Pisces." I said to her.

"What do you want to talk about?" She mumbled clenching her jaw.

Oh sh*t what do I do? She looks like she's going to snap my neck, and what I thought in my state of unconsciousness is going to come true.

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