nine - goodbyes

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ÁLVARO CURIOUSLY FLIPPED THROUGH some of Viviana's old books, the books she absolutely loved to read every night before bed. He remembered that once she had read to him before bed, and he had accidentally fell asleep two minutes into the book. Álvaro chuckled at the thought of the memory.

It had been over a year now and Álvaro had decided it was time to take things down- including all the pictures of them. He wasn't able to get rid of her belongings because, he felt like he would be throwing a part of him out. But taking picture fames down and putting away her things was a start.

The season was ending and Álvaro had been offered a deal with the Italian team, Juventus. And he had accepted the deal because he thought it was time to leave Madrid, only for a while though. He was struggling with getting any time to play with Real Madrid, so this offer seemed like the only good news in a while.

He would be lying if he were to say he wasn't scared of leaving Madrid because, he had never been out of Spain for a long time. His life had always been in Madrid. Leaving Madrid would be a big step in his career. He would definitely miss the beautiful city but, it had been a while since he felt happy here. He had been wanting to leave Madrid for quite some time now, and now that he had gotten the opportunity to, he would finally leave.

Everything in this beautiful city seemed to remind him of Viviana. And quite frankly, Madrid didn't feel like home to Álvaro anymore.

It was for the best. It's time to fully move on, he told himself as he began to fold some of her clothes into boxes, that would be stored away. Álvaro felt his heart break, and he felt tears brim around his eyes when he found the dress she had worn for their one year anniversary.

"Alvi? Is this too much for tonight," she questioned, walking out of their bathroom, wearing a long but beautiful, white dress that hugged her curves beautifully. He stared at her with his mouth parted, not really being able to believe that she was his girlfriend.

"No- no, it's prefect, Viviana. You look very beautiful," he stuttered, giving her a shy smile because he was just too overwhelmed with her beauty.

"Te amo Álvarito," she told him and stood on her toes to kiss him on cheeks.

"Y yo te amo más," he answered, telling her that he loved her more.

Everything that could possibly remind him of her or them, was stored away. All that faced him was an empty apartment, with no pictures of them, no sign that she was ever here, everything had become plain and colorless, just like Álvaro felt without her.

Viviana would have freaked if she would have seen their apartment like this, she always wanted color or something bright around her. As she always said, everyone needs a bit of color in their lives. But she was Alvaro's color, the light in his life. Without her, everything was dull and lifeless.

He made his way into the kitchen and stared at the now somewhat empty space that was their kitchen, remembering all the times they would cook together or have small 'food fights' from time to time. It hurt him to see that he would be leaving their used-to-be home. The home in which she would wake up in the mornings to cook breakfast as she danced along to loud Spanish music, which would usually be Shakira's, since she had always loved her music so much. And he would always remind her of the time she met her and literally almost fainted.

viviana | álvaro morataWhere stories live. Discover now