six - trying

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AFTER SIX MONTHS, Álvaro still couldn't get her out of his mind. His beautiful and sweet Viviana always remained in his heart. The only thing that entered his mind was her; and she never left his thoughts. He would spend hours and hours just thinking of a girl- but not just a girl. The girl he was madly in love with, and who he would always be in love with.

Sometimes he wondered how much of his time he spent just thinking about her, how much time she's been on his mind. But the truth was; ever since Álvaro had met Viviana, she had never left his mind.

He had this burning desire to be able to hold her again, to gently kiss her sweet lips that always made him feel at home, and to tell her that he loved her- more than anything.

Viviana was not just a girl, to him she was so much more. As cliché as it sounded, she was the light of his eyes. She had become almost like his purpose in life.

Viviana was 'el amor de mi vida'- the love of my life, as he would call her. The times where he would whisper sweet nothings in her ear when she was drifting to sleep, but they weren't 'nothings' because the short I love you's and every "Viviana, sos el amor de mi vida," he always swore to her, meant so much more than any grand gesture he could do for her. The three words that he would say to her everyday would always be better than any expensive object she could be gifted.

Maybe after all, he had been a crazy kid in love. Someone who just feel for someone to easily, but he was definitely in love. In love with a girl who he would never fall out of love with, no matter what they went through.

Forgetting someone was always hard, especially someone who had such an impact on you. But forgetting the person who was practically the love of your life, completely was just impossible. It was just not possible for Álvaro to do.

How could he even forget someone who was always on his mind? Someone who never left his thoughts.

Álvaro was trying, he was trying so hard to keep her out of his mind. But how could he if every single thing he saw would remind him of her? Simply anything would connect back to her.

Flowers? It would remind him of the red roses she had in her small garden, that she would water every morning before going to work.

The happy couples Álvaro saw when he went on his morning jog? It would remind him of the times where he would wake her (despite her whining that it was just too early to be up) and they would go on a walk together as they saw the Madrid sky become alive when the sun would rise.

Anything involving the feeling of happiness and love would remind him of her, because Viviana was a living representation of those two beautiful things.

Love had always been such a beautiful thing to Álvaro, and something he had always wanted. And he was thankful that she had been the one to teach him to love. He didn't regret falling deeply in love with her, and he would never regret it.

And he would be lying if it didn't hurt him to see the old pictures of them, when they were together and when they were actually happy. When they were happy, because their happiness depended on one another.

They were beautiful souls who lived off of love and happiness. People who didn't need much to be happy in life. They were a representation of love, because nowadays love had seemed to disappear from the world.

It had been so long and their apartment was still kept the same. Most of Viviana's clothing was still there, kept on her side of their closet, in the same order they were months ago. Her faint sweet smell still lingered around the apartment.

Álvaro wondered how many hours he had spent crying because he missed her. And he wondered how much time he spent wishing she would finally return to him.

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forgetting her would be impossible, he was incapable of doing that. how could he possibly forget the woman he had dreamt of spending the rest of his life with?

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