While, When, Unless

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While in the beginning:

1. While sitting in math class, James was thinking about asking Caitlyn to the dance.

2. While she played on the hill, James was getting close t the cliff side that hill.

When in the beginning:

1. When it was time to get on the plane, Joe panicked because he couldn't find his boarding pass.

2. When the bell rang, Kat was the only one done with her test.

Unless in the beginning:

1. Unless you want to be late to school, you better get out of bed and get dressed.

2. "Unless you want to fail this class, get some tutoring," the teacher told the class.

In the middle of the sentence:

1. It's so hot that I plan to jump in the pool when I get home from the gym.

2. The atmosphere was so charged when school was over she ran for the hills.

Examples in literature:

1. When we went outside to look at her finished lantern from the road, I said I liked the way her light shone through the face that flicker in the dark" (Green 1).

2. When his brother returned, Joe suggested "How about taking the other road back to Bayport? I don't crave going over the bumpy stretch again" (Dixon 5). 

3. "that is, unless the police find it first" (Dixon 20).

More Examples:

1. When they lost their jobs, they started walking the tracks.

2. While the farmer was away, the confused horse tried to eat a wooden post.

3. Unless I was imagining it. I was in a hot air balloon.

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