As, Although, and After

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As in the beginning:

1. As he was watching the baseball game, Ty watched the catcher's technique to improve his own.

2. As she freaked out, Kayla's phone died in the middle of her favorite anime.

Although in the beginning:

1. Although Jodi's favorite snacks are chips and salsa, she hates the taste of raw tomatoes.

2. Although Amber already had her birthday party, I took her out for her birthday.

After in the beginning:

1. After she walked around the block, Spot crawled into her doghouse and fell asleep.

2. After his crying fit, Sebastian still wasn't ready to do his homework.

In the middle:

1. Mom folded the laundry on the couch as she watched the Ellen DeGeneres show.

2. Dad watched Jonas from the couch as he watched his favorite tv show, Star Trek.

Examples in literature:

1. "After reading, we moved onto arithmetic" (Baxter 151).

2. "After noon recess we came back into the classroom and saw that Miss Ferenczi had drawn a pyramid on the blackboard, close to her oak tree" (Baxter 153).

3. After the silence, she said, "Angles.Angels live under those clouds" (Baxter 157).

More Examples:

1. After their day in the cold, their mom gave them hot cocoa.

2. Although Frog couldn't find Toad, he still kept searching.

3. The Guinea pig didn't feel selfish as he shared his leafs with his owner. 

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