
"Out of the eight only one will come out victorious." Master stated to the audience, "The trial will begin in one week, prepare yourselves. For the sake of the newcomers, we will recite the rules of the trials." Mira stepped up, "Each participant will choose a partner to fight along with in the trials." Lucy thought out loud, "So they can have a partner?" Warren a telepathy mage responded to the blonde, "Yes, it puts your friendship and skills to the test." Erza continued, "Rule number one for the partnership: you have to choose a partner who is a part of the Fairy Tail guild." (Y/n) spoke next, "Rule number two for the partnership: you cannot team up with an S-class Mage." Wendy spoke to Carla, "I guess that would be tough to battle someone if they teamed up with an S-class mage." Carla nodded, still shaken up from her previous encounter with her frightening vision. Master spoke once again, "The particulars will be announced on Tenrou island, let it be warned that you will have to get passed (Y/n) to claim victory." The whole guild screamed, "WWWWWHAT!" Erza smirked, "And I'll be by her side as well." The guild again screamed in terror, "WWWWWHAT!" MiraJane giggled, "I also will be weeding out the ones left!" Once again the guild freaked out in horror. "WWWWWWHAT!" Lucy shakily states, "So they have to get through Erza, Mira, and (Y/n)!? Is that even possible!" Warren sweatdropped as he replied, "I heard they were ordered to hold back, but I sure don't envy anyone who has to take them on." Gildarts replied to the guild's commotion, "Come on, we four had to go through this, it's only fair that you do too." Elfman went wide-eyed, "You mean, we have to fight all four of them!" Natsu ecstatically exclaimed, "YOU MEAN I GET TO FIGHT OLD MAN GUILDARTS AND (Y/N)! I'M FIRED UP NOW!" Gray quickly exclaimed to Natsu, "THAT'S NOT GOOD NEWS!" The guild Master cleared his throat, "The eight nominees and their partners have one week to train. I suggest you get to work."

Lucy's POV ✬

Natsu teamed up with Happy to be his partner, "Let's go little buddy! We have a lot of training to do!" Natsu yelled as they ran out the guild doors. (Y/n) was sitting next to me and she giggled at the pink boys actions. "I know I've been gone for a while, but I still can't believe he's participating in the S-class trials." She with a tint of pink on her cheeks as she watched him leave. I couldn't help but look at her with a warm smile, "He believes if he becomes an S-class mage then he can finally find Igneel. That right there gives him the motivation he needs. I have high hopes for him." Lisanna chimed in, "Yes, as do I." (Y/n) said with the pink lingering on her cheeks. I looked around and noticed Freed teamed up with Bigslow, "That's going to be a tough team to beat." I said, "You make us feel real hopeful, don't you Lucy." Gray said as he eyed me over, "I didn't mean it like that! I'm saying it's going to be a challenge!" Juvia was shaking in her seat, "I wish I was someone's partner instead of opponent..." I moved closer to Gray as I whispered to him, "Juvia wishes you two were teamed up instead of going against each other." Juvia pointed at me and yelled, "You get away from my Gray! Gray darling do you want this blonde Bimbo over me!" Gray was getting really nervous when all of a sudden someone walks up next to Gray, "LOKE! WHAT ARE DOING HERE!" I  yelled at Leo/Loke my celestial spirit. "I'm here to team up with Gray, don't worry Lucy, I used my own magic to pass through the gates. Gray and I already made plans for this a year ago." I was so mad, he didn't even bother asking me! "Are you even still a part of the guild?" Elfman asked, Loke took his shirt off showing us the insignia on his back, "Yup, still a Fairy Tail guild member at heart." Gray looked at Juvia, "Yeah, so don't worry, come at me with everything you've got! We'll get hot and heavy just like the first time we met!" Juvia instantly went into a daydream of her and Gray being hot and heavy, but not in the fighting sense, unless you count them being in bed 'wrestling' as fighting. Lisanna stood up, "I'll be apart of your team Juvia!" Elfman was displeased with this, "What! but you barely know her!" Juvia stared at her, "Why me?" Lissana responded, "Juvia from Edolas and I became very close, not that you're anything like her, you're much sweeter!" Juvia looked at her skeptically, "I guess that will be alright, but I have a feeling you're just using me just to get to Gray." This chick and thinking everyone is after him! "I can't believe you chose someone over me!" Elfman said as he cried, "Oh sorry big brother! I thought you already had EverGreen as a partner since she's been staring you down." Elfman looked at her nervously, "Her eyes are petrifying, why is she staring at me???" (Y/n) chimed in, "I think she's a little butthurt that Freed chose Bigslow over her."


Levy was excited to be apart of the S-class trial this year, that is until it came to choosing a partner. Jett and Droy (more like her personal cheerleaders) were arguing with each other stating why she should choose either one of them, she was starting to feel a little overwhelmed until a dark shadow was cast over her, "If you really want to become an S-class mage, you should pick me to be your partner."  Gajeel stated with his deep voice. "I'll make you feel bigger than ever have little girl." causing her to blush an intense shade of pink.

" causing her to blush an intense shade of pink

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Lucy's POV ✬

(Y/n) and I was walking home in the snow when we bumped into Wendy, she said that Mest and her were going to be partners during the trials. That's so great! I know she'll be a great partner with Mest, I heard that last year he almost made it to becoming an S-class mage, and with Wendy, he's for sure to get further. After we left Wendy we continued to walk down the snowy strip, "What is that?" (Y/n) questioned as she got closer to the ally. "WHAT! CANA WHAT ARE DOING IN THE ALLY WAY PASSED OUT!" I screamed at her. "We need to get her cleaned up!" (Y/n) stated, we both helped her up and brought her to my house. Once she was awake she thanked us for helping her. (Y/n) and I even got her to tell us why she was having such a hard time. Boy, were we shocked when we found out.

 Boy, were we shocked when we found out

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