Chapter 29 - Nothing To Me

Começar do início


I made it home not too long later. I checked the time and it wasn't that late. It had just hit 10:30.

I walked over to Nathan's flat first to see if he was there.

I knocked on the door and it swung open, an ecstatic and happy Nathan standing before me.

"Hey," He said and attacked me in a hug.

I returned the hug and he stepped aside to let me in.

"Welcome back stranger." Tom laughed as he sat on the couch.

"Hey Tom." I chuckled, sitting down next to Nathan and snuggling up against him.

Alex came rushing in through the door.

"Well well. Welcome back." She laughed as she gave me a hug. I of course returned it.

"What were you just doing?" I asked.

"Picking Siva up off the ground and telling him to leave. Him and Jay are gone now." She said.

"They were there all this time?" I asked.

"Yeah. They left. Siva told me to tell you that he was sorry." She said as she sat by Tom.

I didn't respond. He wasn't sorry. He meant everything he said. Which is perfectly fine, because I couldn't give two massive shits about what he thinks of Nathan or even of me being a vampire.

I'm still gonna date Nathan.

I'm still gonna be a vampire.

And i'm still not going to give two fucks about what he thinks.

"How am I gonna go to school with him?" I asked suddenly.

"I think that all you can do is ignore him." She said.

"Luckily, i'm good at doing that." I said.

"Are you mad at Jay?" She asked.

"No. Me and Bird are still friends." I replied.

She nodded, finally dropping the subject. I for one, didn't want to bring up the matter any longer. There was no point. I hated Siva, he clearly didn't care about me, end of story. Anyone can clearly see how that ends.

He can feel any type of way that he wants. But if he really cared about my feelings, he would just keep his opinion to himself. He didn't even have to like Nathan! I wasn't even asking him to like Nathan! All I asked of him was to at the very least tolerate him, and keep whatever bad thoughts he had about him to himself. But he couldn't even do that!

If it were him and his girlfriend, I would tolerate her. I wouldn't spit bad things about her every chance I got! If I didn't like her, I'd keep my fucked-up opinion to myself! Because that's my best friend! And i'm not the type of friend to do and say those fucked up things! 

But guess who couldn't even do that? Guess who couldn't keep his mouth shut?! That very boy himself.

I felt tears come into my eyes. I tried to push them back, but they came too fast and too hard. I had tears rolling down my cheek faster than I could stop them.

"Skye. You okay?" Nathan asked in a calm voice.

I violently shook my head and he held me closer and tighter. I buried my face into his chest as he held me. 

"All I asked..." I tried to say, but my voice was muffled by his jacket and my tears.

"All you what?" He asked and pulled me away from him so I could speak clearly.

Leave Me Alone { n.s. }Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora