I told my dad to go to hell

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So i got lectured for being rude and disrespectful. My parents don't understand me. I hate them all. They can all die in a hole. Idgfam. No one truly understands me. I just want them to understand that i am uncontrollable. No one can control me. I control myself. One day i will break. Yes i might need to go to a hospital for mental help. Atm i only want one person to go vist me. They don't know who they are. But they will know.

Anyways me and my sister got into a fight bc she took my spot so she started slapping me and clawing at me and digging her nails into me. So i did it back bc that's my job. My dad jumped in and told us we had to go to bed. I straight up said no. He got pissed and said i wasn't allowed to talk back to him. I told him that i do it all the time and who truly gives a fuck about it. Then he said that he delt with my brother like this and he doesn't want me to be my brother. I wanted to slap him so bad. But instead i dug my nails into the palms of my hands and dug my toes into my shoe's. Like i said earlier people first can't control me and second don't understand me.

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