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I want to join the army and have kids just so I can surprise them on their big day. I also want to join so I can go to my sister's highschool graduation. I have never had a person in the army close to me.

This is what I want to happen.

I walk into the school to see all the kids waiting in the gym for an assembly. I walk back stage.

" This I our student of the month assembly."


"This month's student will be Elizabeth Collen's"

*More clapping*

"Now here is your plack. Now before you go back and sit down I have a question for you."


"If there was one person who you would want to be here who would it be?"

"My mom right now she is stationed in the army and I miss her so much."

"Well then you should say hi to your mom turn around."

"Omg." She bursts into tears then I see my little boy come running down the isle.

"Mommy" he yells I go and pick him up and give him a hug.

Now this is perfect.

See I want to be in the army to serve my country. To serve my family and to be recognized. I am also willing to die for my country.

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