Kisses and....

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                     Joeys POV
Yes? Daniel just said he was gay! I finally may get a boyfriend and he will treat me like a real person not like those bullies. I called him he was confused. He asked why I asked if he was gay. I said because I have feelings. He asked if we could hang out I said sure but I wasn't really sure.

I called Britney to see if she would help me with an outfit. We chose this black shirt with these black jeans. And this cute shoes that were blue. Daniel wanted to come over to hang I said no I can't. I felt bad saying no. But I don't even know him that well.

The next day Daniel and I met at this restaurant. It was a very fancy vegan restaurant. I didn't need to use the restroom but I went. But I saw something weird. We finished our meals. I didn't know who would pay. We just sat there until Daniel said I will pay. The food was $29.76 and I thought it was expensive. I said to Daniel we can both pay. So I handed him like $15. We payed and left. In the car Daniel looked at me. I looked at him. As his gentle hands touch my face I blush and shut my eyes gently. Daniels lips come closer.

His lips touch mine and we kiss. It didn't feel weird it felt natural. Daniel and I just couldn't stop. A person knocked on the window of the car. Daniel and I stopped and it was a girl. She looked furious. Daniel rolled down the car window. She screamed at Daniel. She said that Daniel and I should die she was not happy that we were gay. Daniel rolled the up the window and drove away. We went to my house Daniel came in to my house. I gave Daniel a house tour he stopped in my bedroom. I did I. I knew what he wants to do but it was just the first date. So we sat on my bed and we started to kiss. Then it turned into making out. Daniel started to unbutton my shirt. I didn't mind it.

After like 15 minuets we stopped. Daniel left but I insisted that he stayed. He went home and came back with a backpack full of clothes. We had a sleepover it was weird but Daniel was super nice. Me and Daniel fell a sleep on my couch watching Jenna Marbles. The next morning woke up Daniel was gone I thought he had left until I heard sizzles coming from the kitchen. I went to the kitchen and saw Daniel making pancakes.

I sat at the table as Daniel served me. He sat right beside me. He gave me a kiss on the cheek. We finished breakfast. Daniel soon left.

5 hours later.
I heard a loud noise I looked outside and saw Daniel being beaten up. The people hurting Daniel was a gang of 35 year olds. I ran outside but me not being really strong I screamed and kicked them. They then knocked me and Daniel down we couldn't get up. People started coming. The gang started to pull out weapons. I started to cry. Daniel grabbed my hand and told be we would be fine.

Then a 6 year old girl said " Mommy look those boys love each other". Her mom saw me and Daniel holding hands and saw the gang she called 911. Soon medics and police came. I was so happy that I didn't die. The gang got arrested. Me and Daniel were taken to a hospital all I had were a few cuts and bruises. Daniel hade a black eye and a scratch. We went back to my house and sat on the couch.

I laid my head on his shoulder and drifted off to sleep. Daniel was so nice and caring. My mom heard about what happened and came to my house. She saw me and Daniel sleeping. She didn't know who Daniel was and woke me up and Daniel. Daniel woke up and so did I. My mom was drunk and probably thought that I wasn't gay. So my mom started to smack Daniel. I started to cry. I yelled mom stop stop. She said I'm protecting you Joey. My mom finally stoped. I told her that Daniel was my boyfriend. Daniels eyes light up. My moms face was confused she thought that Daniel was part of the gang. She soon wasn't as drunk. We went over what happened.

My mom left. Daniel asked why I said "Boyfriend" instead of something else. I said I love you to Daniel. And I kissed him. Daniel left later that day. I went to my room to grab my phone then I got a phone call. It hade no caller ID. I answered and the voice said......

to be continued.....

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