Chapter 5 ♛

Start bij het begin

"Okay" He chuckled, "Friend" he added

God this boy. I rolled my eyes at him, I didn't make eye contact the whole car ride. When we reached the port we packed the car and all got out. Yes just like I had imagine it was pretty big.

"Welcome!" This woman said to us I stood in the back as they all hugged each other, "Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande" she hugged us both at the same time. She was wearing this long dress with a light overall.

"Hi" I said sweetly

"Nice to see you guys taking a break from all the drama and just relaxing" She said

"Yes it is" Justin added

"Well come on everyone abroad" She raise her hands in the air

We all walked up the long board converting the port and the ship.

Everyone was having fun and laughing. I was in the back of the ship with My mother and Frankie talking. Tried to avoid Justin, and I didn't know why. And then I saw him walking towards us, great.

"Uh can I take to you" He asked me, "if you don't mind" he asked

I looked at My Mom and then at Frankie

"Uh Mom why don't we go get another drinki" They walked away and left Justin and I alone.

"Okay" I smiled at him

"Are you fine?" He asked

"what do you mean of course of fine" I muttered

"Then why have you been avoiding me? I try to talk to you or make contact with you and you leave? " He said annoyed

"No am not trying to avoid you Justin, just trying to give you space you now, buddy" I shrugged taking a sip of my drinking

He nodded, "well stop" He said, "am trying to tell you something that I wanted to tell you last night" He added

"Sorry," I looked up at him, "what did you want to tell me?" I asked

"Well that I-" He started but suddenly we heard screams

We both looked at the direction of the front of the boat, and the we heard shots being fired! I started to panic

"What's going on!" I yelled at Justin

I started to run, that way, I need to see My Mother was okay. Justin followed behind me but we were stopped by one of the bodyguards.

"Let me through!" I yelled at him

"Sorry Miss.Grande we have to keep you safe" He said

"What's going on!" Justin asked

"There are some people here who are trying to hurt you now can you please stay calm we have to keep you safe" He said fast pushing us back

I heard more gun shots, followed my screams. Justin tried to push back and go for his siblings but thy wouldn't let him,

"Stay here" The bodyguard left running with his gun in his hands. Sounds later the gun shots where getting closer! Hey where right in front of us, they were fighting to take the guns away from the people trying to hurt us.

Once the intruder was on the floor being hand cuffed by one of the bodyguards, Another came to Justin and I.

"Sir, There's still another intruder on board, we don't know if his armed are not, your family is safe but I need you to stay behind for now, please" The tall bodyguard said

Justin nodded then took my hand and started to run, we came to the corner of the ship and Justin let go and started to uncover a the life boat.

We waited by it not moving, and then there he was the man that was trying to harm Justin and I. The bodyguard came from the corner slowly and surprised the man, and now fighting him to take the gun away.

"Ariana get in!" He shouted at me, is he crazy on not getting on that thing

"No! My family Justin!" I said with tears streaming down my face

"Ariana right now I need to make sure that your safe so no get in!" He shouted again

I froze not moving. The shot guns where getting closer and clower

"Ariana get in!" He shouts one more time

I look back before I through my bag inside jumping after in. Once I was in Justin jumped immediately and pushed the button that lowered us down. When we hit the ocean water he started to engine and we started to drift away from the ship. I looked back and the bad guy punched the side of the ship when he noticed we where gone.
Why would some one try to hurt us? maybe even kill us.

Soon the boat stopped, I couldn't see anything the clouds had become dark and the waves became bigger. "what's going on Justin!" I yelled asked him

He looked at me with a wired look, "where out of gas" He said

"What are we going to do we have to go back!" I said

"How!" He yelled his eyes grew big, "watch out!" Was the last things I heard. He though his hands around me and waves started to crash into are small boat. I heard the waves crash one by one, and soon everything went dark.

{not edited}


So I updated! 🙌 Thank you to those
who comment and always read my
updates! 😘

Hopefully you liked this chapter and I will update as soon as I can!

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Love y'all

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