Chapter 32 - Hey Girl, It Ain't Easy

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Tara and I sat in my car on the parking lot of the hospital. I had just switched of the engine, but I wasn't ready to go inside yet. I felt weird and nervous and excited and sad at the same time. I really wished Jacob could be with me today. 

'Your family is already inside,' Tara said while staring at her iPhone. 

I nodded and looked at the enormous white building in front of me. 'Okay.'

Tara put her phone away and looked at me. 'Are you alright?'

'Yeah, I uhm... yeah. I'm tired.'

 She put her hand on my shoulder. 'I know and we're going to slow things down now. We're going to take care of you.'

I smiled. 'I'm so lucky to have all those caring people around me. It makes me so happy.'

'Why don't you look like it, then?'

I sighed and took my car keys out of the ignition. 'Because I really wish someone else was with me today. I'm kind of upset because I'm taking all this away from him. It feels like I'm all alone now. I want to hold his hand while we get to see our child for the first time. I want him to be with my family and feel like he's going to have one on his own now. I just... I miss him.'

Tara was quiet and hugged me tightly. I really needed it and closed my eyes for a moment. 'I feel like I can't breathe without him.'

She rubbed my back. 'I know, sweetie, I know. You'll have your time. Very soon. Let's meet your Little Monster now.'

That made me tear up. 'Tara, you're making me cry!'

She laughed. 'I'm sorry. I still need to get used to the pregnancy hormones.'

After I pulled myself together, we headed inside. My family was already waiting for me in the waiting room. Even Natali had put her work aside to come support me. They were all bursting with excitement and immediately came up to me to hug me.

'I'm so excited!' Natali said. 'I can't believe I'm going to be an aunty and you look so beautiful with your brown hair.' I smiled. Natali and I hadn't seen each other for months. My parents actually brought her the good news.

'I needed a change,' I said. 'I'm so glad you're here with me. Thank you.'

 'We're family,' she said. 'We always stick around.'

I wanted to say something back, but a nurse came into the room. 'Miss Germanotta?'

I took a deep breath, because I was nervous as fuck. I had no idea why. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw my dad standing behind me.

'You've got this, hon,' he said. 

I smiled. 'Yeah, I've got this.' I walked over to the woman and she guided me towards this little room where another woman was waiting for me. I presumed she was the gynecologist. 

'Hello, I'm doctor Johnson,' she said, while she got up to shake my hand. 'You must be miss Germanotta.'

I nodded. 'It's a pleasure to meet you.'

'You can sit down on the bed,' she said. 'Wow, we're having a full house, today.'

I chuckled, while I sat down. 'I'm Italian.'

'Ah, I see,' she said, while smiling friendly at me. She was preparing the equipment as I laid down. 'So, are you comfortable?'

I nodded.

'Perfect. Okay, so this is your first pregnancy, right?'

I nodded again.

'Basically what we're going to do today is check on the baby. We're going to measure it, listen to the heartbeat and see how far along you are.'

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