vampire akame x male scared reader

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Akame ga kill and Akame is own by Takahiro and Tetsuya Tashiro

I do not own this image
Author p.o.v
You are a normal person as you weren't skilled or held a weapon as you are a scared person that afraid of monsters  and that you have a childhood friend name akame as you and her use to see each other a lot and was happy of their friendship but she wanted something else as she wants to tell her feelings towards you even though you don't know her true self that she is a vampire.

You are in the capitol as trying to find some work to do and earn some money that you can help your family

Y/n: man i have to find something to do i still needed some gold hmm

You walk around more as you see some soldiers and some people are gathering

Y/n: i wonder what are they looking at? Better find out

You walked towards it and saw some of the dead bodies as you started to be a scare of the bodies

Y/n: ahm what's going on?

Soldier: well that have been strange attack that been reported from some people that they see a monster attacking them

That send you shivers as hearing the word a monster

Y/n: monster...what do you mean?

Soldier: well not just the night raid have been spotted in the capitol but a monster of the night have been killing some people in the last couple of weeks

Y/n: but don't all of you go to attack the monster?

Soldier: we did but some of our men have been fallen death to it

Y/n: but why do i see there bodies like dry up as their blood have been suck right out of it

Soldier: that is also another info that this monster likes to suck on the victims blood

Y/n: ok..

You started to be scared of hearing it

Soldier: if i were you . I would be stay indoors for the night its not safe anymore

Y/n: alright

You walked away as you keep thinking of what the soldier said

Y/n: a monster that sucks blood man that sounds really scary... but its not like going to strike at the same place right?...

You shake your head and walked away

Timeline skip
After you get a job and finish the day with some gold on your hands with your smile

Y/n: well this is a good day for me got some gold and nothing bad is going to happen..

You being cutted as you realise the sky was turning dark blue

Y/n: oh no its going to be night.. i have to get back home b-b-before the monster comes back

You walk faster towards your home as noticing not much people are around

Y/n: oh man i have to hurry back!

You keep walking as you heard a rustling noises from an alley

Y/n: what the...?

You were too scared to go see what it was but knowing you could be someone needed help . You walked towards it slowly

Y/n: ok..nothing could be scary with those noise right?

You look and eyes widden as you see a figure was biting someone as you began to shaken and slowly walk away but slowly steps on a bottle making a noise as the figure let go of the person and looks at you with red eyes

Y/n: oh no it saw me !

You started to run away as the figure chasing you with full speed

Y/n: ah man why does this happening to me

You keep running to a place where you can hide as the figure was in front of you as stopped

Y/n: oh no... please d-don't k-k-kill me...i am just a normal person

You slowly back off knowing if you run now the figure will chase you again

???:oh i am sorry but you seen too much of what i did

Y/n: but please ...i am just a ...scared person...please have mercy on me...

???: hmm mercy...i might just drink your blood as payment for your mercy

Y/n: no please please...

The figure walked closer to you and slowly look at you with eyes widden

???: wait...why do i feel like i know you?

Y/n: i don't know what your talking about...

???: ...wait...i know who you are...your...y/n?

Y/n: ah? Who wants to know?

The figure slowly reveal its face to be your childhood friend akame

Akame: its me y/n

Y/n: akame?

Akame: its been a while..

She smiled and tears up as she hugged you

Y/n: wait akame...your that monster?

Akame: well i am a vampire but yeah i am...i am sorry to scare you i thought someone try to kill me

Y/n: its ok but i am just scared that you are a monster

Akame: are you afraid of me?

Y/n: only a bit but i am ok now

Akame: y/ make my apology for scaring you and almost kill you i would like to say something

Y/n: sure what is it?

Akame: i ...i have ...i love you since we were little and that was a reason why i haven't shown myself for a while because i am just afraid as you see me as a monster that's all ..

She looked down as you kisses her on the lips as she eyes widden and kisses you back as they kiss passionately and went apart

Y/n: i love you as well

Akame: y/n..would you want to spend time with me even though i am a monster

Y/n: yes i will

Akame smiled as she holds your hand and kisses again and went apart

Akame: and later on we should continue with a special making out~

Y/n: o o ok~

You blush as she kisses your cheek

Akame: i love you y/n

Y/n: i love you too

They were happy with each other and that they both making love and in the certain time as they make a family of their own and also turn you into a vampire as well that you could love her for all etermity.

Author note
Hey waddup guys its me here i hope you all enjoy thia chapter more than i do and also this request is from darth_kylo go check him out so yeah i think that's it for today  and i will see you guys later peace out

female various x male reader 2Where stories live. Discover now