ruby x male anger issues reader x yang

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RWBY and ruby and yang is own by Rooster Teeth and monty oum

I do not own this image
Author p.o.v
You were a student in beacon that a lot of people is scared of because of your anger issues as when you are angry that you improve your hand to hand combat and that you have two best friends ruby and yang who always try to calm in any ways that possibles.

You were walking back to class as some students make fun of you as you punch them in the face

Y/n: you think its funny!? Huh! Well i give you something to laugh about!

You beat them up and other students hold you back as you were struggle to be free

Y/n: let go of me!

Student 1: y/n calm down!

Student 2: dude stop!

They hold you more as someone shouted your name as you see it was professor ozpin

Ozpin: y/n!

Everyone frezzes as the students let you go and you were looking down

Ozpin: now everyone get back to class as i talk to mr l/n

They went back to class as you still looking down as ozpin walked towards you

Ozpin: y/n you have to calm yourself down

Y/n: i can't professor i always have this anger issues

Ozpin: hmm you have to start to calm down or not you might hurt any of them

Y/n: yes professor ozpin

Ozpin: good now go relax ok

Y/n: alright

You walked away from ozpin while he sighs

ozpin: why does he have to be like this?

You still walk until you bump into some people and see it was your best friends

Y/n: ruby, yang?

Ruby: y/n!

She hugged you as you hugged her back

Yang : hey y/n what's wrong with you?

Y/n: nothing its just i am having this anger issues that's all

Ruby: oh well me and yang are going to hang out while playing video games you want to join?

Y/n: sure

Yang: i am going to both of your ass

Y/n: no you won't

As they went to their dorms to start playing video games

Y/n: ok i hope you ready to get your ass kickes

Yang: yeah right

Ruby: i will win!

She said with an determination

As they started to play video games and suddenly you lost the first round

Yang: oh oh

Ruby: y/n

You were about to rage it out but you manage to calm down

Y/n:its ok girls i am fine let's just play the game

Yang: ok y/n

Ruby: ok but please calm down

You nodded and began to play the game as you doing well beating every opponent and until a sneaky combo move that yang has made making you useless to fight and lose

Yang: yeah i win!

Ruby: ah yang?

Yang: yeah oh... right

Your eyes twitches and can't hold the anger

Y/n: YOU GOTTA TO BE KIDDING ME!! I was about to make the first move but fail to do so as you do some hidden combo making me die and lose!

You threw the controller away and walked away as ruby and yang started to hold you

Ruby: y/n pleaae it was just a game!

Yang: yeah please calm down

Y/n: calm?! You think its easy to calm down while doing somehing you love and loses huh?!

You struggle as they did'nt stop holding you

Ruby: please y/n stop it we don't want to see you like this

Yang: yes y/n please stop!

You were free from their holding and walked away from them as you bump into cardin as he push you away

Cardin: hey watch where your going fool!

Y/n: who you calling fool dumbass!

You punch him in the face and in the gut as he tries to defend himself

Y/n: what you think your so better than me huh! Bullying all those nice people! You make me sick!

You punch more as he try defend as you slowly stopped

Y/n: ah ah there that should keep you in mind from bullying anyone

You slowly stand up and look down again as walk away knowing you felt two pair of hands hold each of your hands and see it was ruby and yang they have worried look

Ruby: y/n.. are you ok?

Yang : please tell me your fine?

Y/n: a bit.... i am sorry girls its just that i really have anger issues

Ruby:its ok we understand

Yang: yeah..and to make you feel a bit better and less anger issues we both have something to say

Y/n: what is it ?

They both look each other and nodded

Ruby&yang: y/n we love you and we want you to be our boyfriends!

They said while blush a bit as you started to smile and feel the anger fades a bit

Y/n: i love you girls too and i want you both to be my girlfriends

They smile and slowly taking their turns to kiss you on the lips and went apart

Ruby: so y/n ahm what happen to cardin?

Yang: yeah did you do something to him?

Y/n: yeah i kinda beat him up for a reason

Ruby: ohhh

Yang: ok i guess .. anyway we love you y/n

Ruby: yup we love you

Y/n: i love you girls

As they hold each others hands and walked away knowing that they always be by your side and making you feel happy instead of being angry

Author note
Hey waddup guys its me here i hope you all enjoy this chapter more than i do and also this request is from The_magicians go check him out so yeah i think that's it for today  and i will see you guys later peace out

female various x male reader 2Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα