Chapter 73 - Letting him know. (1/2)

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And then I told him everything. How my mom dressed me up, put me in the car, how I ran away and finally reached here.

Recalling everything and telling him sounded way more dramatic than probably anything in my life.

And he agreed. As soon as I finished telling him everything, I looked at him and expected him to get angry, frustrated , or something. I expected some outburst but then no, this is Hilsa we are talking about.

So he kept on staring at me with his forehead creased , trying to understand and make sense of everything that I just dumped on him.

And then , finally he expressed-

"You know sometimes I feel like your life is some Bollywood movie. "

I chuckled as he started laughing.

" I agree. " I told him as we laughed.

"Only thing missing are those background songs, that's it! Your life will become a fully dramatic Bollywood masaledaar movie !" He added.

I punched him lightly on his shoulder as we settled down on the bench nearby.

A few moments passed as we sat quietly , and then I  asked him ,"So?"

He looked at me and he did not seem angry at all.

"So....." he repeated as he looked at me.

"Are you still ready to get married?" I asked him.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He asked sincerely.

"Because of what all I just told you." I said seriously.

I mean, on a normal human being it would affect their decision.

"Yeah so? I mean, has your decision changed?" He asked.

"No it's not about me Sahil.  It's about you! Are you sure you still want to get married to me?" I asked.

Is there something going on in his kind that he isn't telling me?

"Yea-ahh...why are you asking again and again Ragini ?" He asked me chuckling.

"Because......" I fumbled as I tried to find the right words.

"I mean.....I ...." I sighed.

"What is it?" He asked concerned.

"Dont....take ....revenge later on. Just don't. Please." I finally said it out loud.

"WHAT?" He almost shouted.

"Yeah...umm....I don't want this to become the worst decision of my life. I ...." I squeezed my eyes shut as I tried to explain what I was scared of. As usual I started shaking my legs and my palms started becoming sweaty.

"Hey..." he mumbled as he raised my chin with his index finger. He then raised his eyebrows as if asking me what's wrong.

"I know I don't trust the marriage thingy....I mean...not our marriage, but just the general idea of it , right?" I asked him.

"Yes ." He nodded.

"And you know the reason behind it too. " I asked him.

He nodded again.

"So......ummm...I  just... I just find it hard to believe that you ......or rather ....anyone would not want to revenge me

And be like - Oh oh!!! She is a girl and I can definitely make her life hell AFTER I get married to her.....definitely !!! So lemme just pretend to be nice and then ....Dun dun dunaaaaaa.....I can be the villain and ruin her !" I finished stating these sentences with fill acting and hand movements and voice pitch changes.

To which Sahil kept looking with a surprised look on his face - raised eyebrows and small smile .

Few moments passed and he kept on looking at me like that only.

" Say something." I ordered him

"Um....well for starters I did not think this through , I mean..." he did looking ahead of him, not maintaining eye contact.

"Think what through ?" I asked him agitately.

"" he said moving his index finger between me and him.

"What ? Our marriage ?" I asked confused.

"No..not that...just us... I mean I am... me, you know - boring and , and you are.... a full Bollywood drama queen and I DON'T THINK I THOUGHT HOW IT IS GOING TO BE BETWEEN US AFYER MARRIAGE ! FULL ON MASALA  huh ! Ragini....seriously ?! That acting ! Those words ! I mean I understand your inhibitions...but....hahaha....hahahaa...that dialogue was out of ...out of some movie ! " he said chuckling.

I am NOT a Bollywood drama queen.

I just looked at him , sorry , stated at him with a look that would definitely support his argument that I was a Bollywood drama queen . But is today the day to accept that ? No!

"See...see the way you are pouting ! " he teased me.

"Now on a serious note Ragi , I am sorry that you feel this way. I understand your inhibitions, your worry. And I wish there was a way to give you a proof , something scientific or theoretical or something that would help you get rid of that , but I don't have any. I can just say this - I promise to take care of you and protect you . And I will never give you the chance to think that this decision of yours was wrong. I will never , ever  hurt you or even think about ruining your life Ragi.

I just... I understand that you  trusted me enough to take this decision to marry me , and it is my responsibility to keep your trust.

I promise you.

That's it . I can promise and try my best Ragi . And I think the only thing you can do right now is me ?

Go with what your heart says. If your heart , even for a second doesn't want to go ahead with this decision , then I said , there is tonnes of space around here for you to run away." He said, all of this, with a sincerity that can convince the coldest souls.

I thought. I thought deeply of what all he just said.

Do I trust him ? Yes.

Do I trust him enough to jump into this new part of my life with him , and trust him that he won't hurt me ? That our relationship would not be the same like my parents and a gazillion other couples ?

................I think Yes.




My midterm is this week , so I could not write very often!

How was the chapter? How was Sahil's reaction? Is Ragini a BOLLYWOOD  drama queen or not😂😂😉😉😉😝😝???

Do vote, comment and share!

All the love,


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