Chapter 4

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 I was glaring at everyone until aladdin snapped me out of it. " umm una the scary ruke are back around you again" aladdin said well shaking "sorry bud they must be done with whoever they were hanging out with earlier" i hugged him as the black ruke flew off again.

I stood next to a now blushing ja'far and a stone faced masrur. I watched aladdin interact with the fog troupe well try i kept a close eye on him incase i had to interfere. The next day we stood outside the castle well sinbad and alibaba went inside. I stood in between morg and aladdin watching the gates something felt off with the aura of the castle. I was so focused i almost missed the black ruke flying past me. I turned my head to see who was giving off so much dark ruke as i turned i seen another magi a dark magi. I watched as he passed hoping that he did not notice me and aladdin he gave he the creeps when it comes to his aura. He went into the castle as he did i looked to aladdin who was watching him.I sat next to alibaba who looked like a kicked puppy the negotiations with his half brother the king did not go as well as he hoped well it did not go good at all the king would not listen to alibaba and what he had to say to him.

King sinbad came into the room we were in and looked at alibaba then around the room he stopped at me alittle shocked and that's when i realized that i no longer was wearing my cloak i lost it and it was the only one that i owned. We walked to a place full of rubble and the people of the kingdome. Sinbad talked to the people explaining that alibaba tried to get the king's attention but he would not listen. Suddenly a voice rang out from the sky i looked up to see the dark magi. I felt someone get closer to me i looked to the corner of my eye to see that the person that now stood next to me was morgiana and alibaba. I pulled aladdin slightly closer to me as the dark magi got closer

to us i think that sinbad told him who and what aladdin was. I did not like the look that the magi had hidden in his eye.

I let the magi get closer to aladdin it seemed he had not seen me yet he was fully focused on aladdin and him alone. I noticed that he was slightly clenching his fist. " nice to meet you young magi" I quickly grabbed his fist before it could hit aladdin " don't touch my brother" I said glaring at the older boy who was looking at my chest. I pushed him back slightly as aladdin hide behind me " who are you?" he asked me. " I am luna and i'm aladdins guardian" I told him he raised a eyebrow " as in the guardian of magi the all powerful being that power and magoi control matches that of us magi" He asked amused thinking that i was going to say no. " yes she is" aladdin told him as the teen boys red eyes meet my own red eyes. His eyes looked me over once and he smirked " well then Guardian let's see how fast and strong you are" the male who i learned name was judal challenged me well taking out his wand. I swung my staff off my back and faced him only for my borg to block two giant ice spikes coming at me.

"Not bad" judar called out to me from where he was floating. I growled slightly and commanded the ruke "Asfal Zawbaa" I watched as the spell was blocked by his borg and moved him back slightly i was disappointed but then again he is a magi he would be harder to defeat. I was distracted by my thoughts i never see the ice spike coming at me and fast until something pushed me out of the way. I looked to see aladdin in front of me he was the one who pushed me down to save me " Don't touch my sister" aladdin told the dark magi well glaring at him. I was helped up by ja'far and as i stood i felt pain in my left side aladdin may have pushed me aside but an ice spike had pierced my side and left a nice little gash nothing that needed stitches and nothing that would scar. I looked to the fight to see aladdin about to call out my father i tried to stop him but i fell forward due to my ankle i used my staff to block my fall and ja'far helped me.aladdin and my dad fought together taking judar down i watched with worry.

My father had beaten judar bad and almost killed him as he had attacked judar when he broke away from aladdin's command. Something striked my father down i looked where the attack came from to see a princess i think i yelled " DAD NO!!!!" I yelled rushing forward ignoring the pain i felt. I clung to aladdin who was trying to bring him back i growled and turned to where the princess was and was about to attack her when Ja'far stopped me telling me it was not worth it and he was right.

Me and aladdin both tried to use our magoi to bring my dad (Ugo) back to aladdin's flute but it only drained us of our magoi. I passed out from blood loss and lack of magoi i faded to the black abyss that i called sleep and as i did i heard voices screaming my 

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