Chapter 8

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Mason's P.O.V

During Lunch, I noticed that Julian and Luke weren't around. In my head I hoped Luke seen what had happened and yelled at her. Sadly though I know he wouldn't stick up for me like Miliya and Miku would. Speaking of them, since Julian kicked me in thhe stomach repeatedly I have bruises and have to where bandages. When Miku and Miliya first noticed them, they growled and started asking me who did it or where they are. It took a while but I managed to calm them down.

"Well I still feel bad about not being there when you got hurt" Miliya said picking at her food.

"You sure that you fell?" Miku asked looking slightly confused.

" know how big the stairs are..." I sweat dropped.

They've been questioning me for a while now. I've been silently hoping that they don't see through me so I did the best smile I could. After a while of convincing they finally left me alone.

"Well whatever cinnamon roll me and Miku have somewhere to go so we'll see you later" Miliya said standing up with Miku.

She gave Terrence a quick peck on the cheek before leaving out of the cafeteria leaving me with him and Ashton. To be honest, I don't really know much about them since I normally hang around the girls. I was going to just ignore them and eat my food im silence but Ashton spoke up.

"You know that was the worst lie I've ever heard" Ashton said looking over at me.

"For once he's falling down the stairs? You could've done better" Terrence finished.

I felt my face heat up in embarrassment. It was obvious that they would see through me more than Miku and Mil. I looked down and started fidgeting my fingers.

"W-Well what was I supposed to say I didn't want t-them to worry" I said shyly.

They turned and looked at each other before looking back at me. I'm pretty sure this is the first time they talked without trying to destroy each other's existence.

"Look Mason we know Julian hurt you" Ashton said.

"More like beat your ass but whatever" Terrence yawned.

" need to tell someone about this before it gets out of hand" Ashton said looking worried.

I nodded. I already knew that but the consequence Julian talked about made me decide not to. I looked at Terrence who looking at his phone.

"U-Ummm Terrence?" I said.

He looked up at me raising an eyebrow.

"What?" He asked.

"H-How long have you known Julian and L-Luke" I stuttered.

He stared at me for a while before putting his phone down and looking up at the ceiling thinking.

"I've known Luke since birth...and Julian since grade school..they're both weird as fuck but I don't mind that much I know Julian has a crush on him and as for Luke..possibly a small one.

I felt my eyes widen as I heard that. I always knew that he wasn't gay but knowing that he has a crush on a monster hurt me more than anything.

"M-Mason...are you crying?" Ashton asked knocking me out of my thoughts.

I looked at him confused and touch my face to feel something wet. It took me a while to realize that I was crying and I stood up from my seat and walked out of the cafeteria in silence.


As I was walking down the empty hallways, images of Luke and Julian together kept getting into my mind. Tears were streaming down my face as I thought about it. I shook my head and wiped my tears telling myself I should just get over it. I heard the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer to me. Just as I turned around, I was slammed against the wall. I whined in pain and tried to hold my head but the person's hand had a firm grip on my neck. I slowly opened my eyes to see the one I wished wasn't doing this...



Luke's P.O.V

Hearing Mason call my name like that lit a fire in my stomach. I growled and slammed his head in against wall. He whined again and I saw the tears in his eyes.

"Why did you hurt Julian Mason" I growled.

He weakly lifted his head and looked at me with hurt eyes.


"DONT LIE I SEEN THE BRUSIES" I yelled letting him go and watched him fall to the ground.

He tried to scatter away from me but I grabbed him by his tail and yanked him back. He yelped in pain and started quivering on the floor. I smirked and grabbed him by both of his ears and kneed him in the face while hearing the crack of his nose breaking. By now he has tearing running down his face mixing in woth the blood from his nose and lip. He looked like he was struggling to keep awake and not pass out so I decided to make it difficult and press one foot on his neck and other kicking him repeatedly.

I watched him struggle to breathe and move my feet away from him. When I finally moved away, he sat up coughing and gasping for air while blood spilling out of his head. I jumped on top on him and punched him over and over in the face and slammed his head in the floor until blood spilled out of it. He was full on sobbing and trying to make me stop but I didn't listen.

When I was done, I got of him and kicked his head and growled.

"The next time you hurt Julian...I'll kill you" I said before walking away from the bloody mess I caused.

To Be continued.....

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