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"She said she wants to end it all when she's all alone in her room
She cries
The way she feels inside is too much for her
When all you got is these four walls
It's not that hard to feel so small
Or even exist at all
How come no one heard her when she said
Maybe I'm better off dead
If I was would it finally be enough
To shut out all those voices in my head?
Maybe I'm better off dead
Better off dead!
Did you hear a word
Hear a word I said?
This is not where I belong
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone-"

The song is suddenly cut off as a small hand taps the "stop" button on the phone next to the king sized bed. A teenage girl emerges from the nest of blankets as the early sun rays softly shine through her glass balcony door. Her stormy grey eyes were dull, tired, almost lifeless. As she sits up her wild, layered hair falls into place, only a few fly-aways remaining. After a moment she looks down at her phone, wondering why she was up at such an ungodly hour. On her bright screen was a calendar reminder, "High School Orientation and class introductions @ 8 a.m.". She lets out an inaudible sigh, running a hand through her long fringe bangs.

"Stella!" a female voice calls as the bedroom door slowly opened

The girl stiffens, her left eye instantly changing to amethyst purple. A model worthy teen a few years older than her walks into the room, her honey blonde hair cascading down her back in waves. At the sight of the female Stella relaxes, her eye changing back to normal. The girl softly closes the door behind her and softly smiles as her manicured nails lightly clacked against the wood of the door.

"Hey Stell" she greets "I"m going to help you get ready for school alright?"

Stella only nods in response. The older girl walks over to her and helps her stand before leading her into the connected bathroom.
"How about I put a little makeup on you and pick out a nice outfit for you while you wash up?" She suggests
Stella nods again, then starts weaving signs with her hands.
"Sure Lilith, whatever you think is best" she signs

Lilith softly smiles before walking out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Stella silently sighs, getting undressed and into the shower for a quick rinse. By the time she finished and had a towel on, Lilith knocks on the door before walking in. She sets down a bundle of clothes.

"We really need to change up your wardrobe" she sighs, grabbing some makeup that would match
"What's wrong with my wardrobe?"
"It's just...not girly enough I guess. We need to get you at least a few dresses."
"Lil, you know I hate dresses or anything girly in general."
"I know"

Lilith sighs before focusing on the makeup, making sure to not glance over at her younger sister as she got changed.

A while later the girls walk out, Lilith looking back at Stella as she walked out behind her.

Stella fixes her black hair as she walks over to her backpack and phone; well the hair she had at least

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Stella fixes her black hair as she walks over to her backpack and phone; well the hair she had at least. After grabbing her things the two girls walk out of the mansion like house, a young man with dark eyes waiting for them next to his sports car. He smiles at them, a pair of small dimples showing on his stubbled cheeks.
  "Star, Lily!" he greets "Good morning."
  "Morning Alex" Lilith smiles "How's my soon to be alpha twin doing this fine morning?"
  "Tired mostly" He chuckles

He looks over at Stella, who was standing awkwardly on her own. He motions for Lilith to get in the car before walking over to her side.
  "Hey okay?" He asks
She nods, looking up at her brother with matching storm grey eyes. It was the one trait all three siblings shared, their fathers storm grey eyes. He pats her shoulder with a smile.
"You look great as always. And don't worry about school. Lilith and I will be there, as well as most of the pack. You'll be just fine."

Stella just nods again, this time with a soft smile of her own. She trusted her older brother, and if he says it's okay then she'll give it a shot. He hugs her to his chest, resting his chin on her beanie clad head.
"Thank you sis. Now c'mon, we'll be late at this rate."

She nods again before following him into the car, sitting in the back seat as her older siblings sat in the front.


  Supernaturals of all kinds crowded the entrance to the school, some excited and others wanting to get the day over with. The three siblings stood amongst the crowd, hidden within the sea of bodies.

  Stella stayed close to Alex, nervously holding onto his muscular arm as teens pushed and shoved her as well as each other. Her stormy eyes darted from person to person, paranoia slowly setting in.
"We're almost at the front Stella. You think you can make it?" Alex asks
The younger girl nods in response, gripping him tighter as another teen was pushed into her. He sighs, looking to his twin hoping she had an idea on how to get Stella to relax some. At this rate she was going to have an anxiety attack.

"Alright settle down!" A man says with the help of a megaphone "I will call you in groups! Starting with the werewolves. I need all alpha ranked wolves to the gate please!"

The three siblings sigh in relief and slowly push their way through the crowd, a few others joining them. As they walked up to the table, Stella feels a pair of eyes on her, making her skin crawl. Sure the entire crowd was eyeing her earlier, but this certain pair left shivers down her spine. She glances around, hoping it was just her anxiety. Seeing no one staring, she takes a deep breath and focus' on checking into the school and receiving her schedule.

"Name, rank, and pack." A woman asks them
"Alex Damien Tunstall. Alpha of the Galaxy Moon pack." Alex says proudly
"Lilith June Tunstall. Alpha of the Galaxy Moon pack." Lilith says after her twin
Stella stands between her siblings awkwardly, not saying a word.
"Girl we don't have all day." The woman barks at Stella, making her nervous

She starts to nervously weave hand signs, the woman staring at her strangely. Alex opens his mouth to translate for her but is cut off by the angered woman before them.
"Stop screwing around and-"
"She's mute." Alex growls "Her name is Stella Blaze Tunstall. Alpha of the Galaxy Moon pack. We'd appreciate it if she got the respect she deserves."

The woman huffs at Alex, muttering under her breath as she checked the list of names on her clipboard. She checks them off and signals for them to get their schedules from the man next to her, glaring at them as they passed.

"Don't worry about people like her Star." Lilith says patting her shoulder "We're here for you."
"Thanks sis." Stella signs

Looks like this is gonna be a long day...


Hey guys, thank you so much for your patience and willingness to give my book a read. To prevent confusion, the picture on the top of the chapter is what Stella looks like and the photo within the chapter is her outfit. I hope you all are enjoying the little bit that's been posted so far! Until next time!

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