Chapter 3: Scheming and plotting and other not very attractive things

Start from the beginning

Lonnie's hair grew and lightened before their eyes, Evie smiled, even if that shade of brown wasn't the best for her skin tone, looking at Lonnie with longer hair was a clear improvement from the girl who entered the room.

Mal bit her lip as she took the money out of Lonnie's hand and dropped it in front of Evie, giving her a smirk and wink.

She didn't wait for the thank you and saw just a little bit of Lonnie's thrilled self, as she left to find Carlos after taking the candy bar.

Mal was glancing to the sides in search for the black, white and red boy.

"Hey! Mal! Hey, thanks" Lonnie had sprinted from the room and followed after her all the way down the hallway, Mal tried to walk quicker, but Lonnie caught up fairly quickly as well.

She was talking about how fashion was not a big deal for her mom, who was prone to empowering woman in other aspects. Mal was only half listening, feeling strangely calm walking with Lonnie.

Not as calm as she felt with Jay, Evie or Carlos. But like there was less pressure on her, mostly because Lonnie didn't look like someone you would approach and chat deliberately. Mal examined her just as she waved her had to a tan boy who didn't respond to it.

She wouldn't wave back either, Lonnie was wearing this bright pink and blue set of skirt and blouse. It seemed silky, comfortable, but not very stylish. She wasn't as big as Evie when it came to fashion, but she did have a taste, a good one indeed.

Mal chuckled, who would've known kids on Auradon could be unpopular as well.

"...It's funny because magic is not really used here anymore, at least not commonly, every time Fairy Godmother takes her wand out of the museum is for something rather important..." Mal chose that split second to pay attention to Lonnie. She stopped and turned in her heels to face her, tilting her head back to look at her straight to the eyes.

Damn this chick's tall, Mal though, it's difficult to be intimidating this close.


"What what?" Lonnie furrowed confused, shrugging. Mal opened her eyes so much they hurt, she wanted to appear scary, but not scare her off by glowing green eyes and the most hectoring look she could manage.

"The wand thing" Mal spat out, waving her hands dramatically. Lonnie furrowed deeper, seeming a little intrigued. Mal grinned apologetically "I really wanna know how it works, it'll maybe help me understand how my own magic works" Mal looked down and made sure her bottom lip quivered before chewing onto it. Lonnie smiled at her sad puppy face.

"Well, Fairy Godmother takes it out sometimes," She scanned Mal's eyes, just in case, but only saw hope forming there; and a green glow, which she waved off thinking was just the light "like in the upcoming coronation of Prince Ben. You could talk to her, tell her you want to learn from her"

"Sure" Mal responded simply, not really paying attention again, she turned waving a goodbye to Lonnie, even forcing a throaty "Thank you"; finally feeling free to smile evilly. She got a new plan.

Carlos was alongside Ben, petting Dude and talking to him as he ate an apple. Well, actually Ben was doing most of the talking, even with his mouth half full. Carlos preferred to stay quiet unless he was talking about science or technology, it was the only way to get words out of him.

He ignored people when they'd talk to him unless he knew them or saw them as no threat. Mal blamed Cruella very openly for anything 'broken' inside Carlos.

Mal spotted them and grimaced cheekily.

"Hey, here you go" Carlos face lighted up upon seeing the candy, and proceeded to eat it all excited, a faint blush on his dotted cheeks "Hello Ben"

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