A hand gentely touched my shoulder. I looked back at the face to see my mother. She gave me a warm gentle smile. My anger slowly subsided.

I sighed and turned back to Devin. "Please, just find her."

"Marco, we are going to find her. I promise," Devin told me.

I nodded at him. Trying to manage the best smile I could.

He turned and walked towards the door. "I'm gonna go hire more scouts." Then he walked out the door.

With a heavy sigh, I fell back into my chair.

"Marco, it's going to be okay. Ash will be fine. She's a strong girl."

"I know, mom. I'm just-" I was cut off.

"Scarred." My dad cut in. They've been staying with me while Ash was missing because they were afraid I'd so something stupid or reckless.

It's been two days and there was still nothing to be found on Ash. It was as if she had just disappeared. It was my fault she was gone. It had to be someone getting revenge on me because of my job. I also figured that it had to be this reason because I was knocked out.

The night that Ash had went missing I had been knocked out. I woke up about two to three hours later. Ash was gone and I stayed out until nearly seven or eight in the morning looking for her.

Afterwards I immediately called my parents and they helped me gather a search party. I've spent most of today looking over and mapping out every five miles all around the Walmart parking lot.

"I am scarred, dad. I lost her once, actually it's been two or three times that I've lost her, and I just don't want to loose her again. I can't loose her again," I told them. My parents were the only ones in my office with me.

"We understand," my mom said.

I sighed and put my head down on the desk. I just really hoped they did understand. I hoped they understood how my much I really had to loose.


Ash's P.O.V

My first thought was Winston, but no. I knew better. This voice was younger. Although they sounded so similar. I hadn't realized until now.

"Asherlyn, it's so good of you to join us." I could hear the sneer in his voice.

I looked up at him, finding the courage to finally speak. "Did I have a choice?" I sneered back at him.

He smirked. "Well, of course not. We would've... I would've caught you one way or the other."

I pushed myself up, trying to seem stronger than I felt as I stood before him. "Vincent, listen. I don't know what you want, nor do I really care for that matter. Ju-"

My body fell to the ground as sparks of black threatened to cloud my vision. My cheek stung with immense pain from the slap.

"Bite. Your. Tongue. I'm in charge here... Do not... I repeat... Do not speak unless you are spoken to first. Got it?" he sneered at me.

I slowly nodded. Anger boiled inside of me. My fist bawled up. Vincent began to ramble on and on about something. I tuned him out. I began to check my options.

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