Chapter 24.

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By the time night came, David was dreading going into his own cabin. But he had to sooner or later.
It was sooner, as Daniel dragged David to the cabin.
David didn't try to get free of course.

Daniel pecked David's lips, smiling.
"As we agreed David, you're trying some alcohol." Daniel grinned.
"I didn't agree to anything." David muttered under his breath.
Daniel ignored this and grabbed a bottle from a desk drawer.
David watched with a small frown on his face while Daniel struggled to open the  bottle, using his teeth.
David decided to make the awful choice to try to sneak out.
Bad idea.
Very bad idea.

The next morning Daniel woke with a headache, outside, in the grass.

"What the hell happened..?" Daniel sat up and rubbed his head.
He realized he was right outside David's cabin, and stood up and gently knocked on the door.

No response.

"David??" He knocked again.

He heard a faint shuffling behind the door before it opened a crack, and David peered out.
As soon as the man's forest green eyes landed on Daniel, he quickly tried to shut the door, clear fear and panic in his eyes.
Daniel quickly stopped the door from closing and easily got in after he forced the door open.
David quickly ran away from Daniel, obviously scared of him.
Daniel locked the door to the cabin and approached the panicked redhead, grabbing his arm before he could get away again.
He felt David violently tremble in his grip.
And as Daniel looked at David's face again, he finally noticed it.
A large bruise on David's cheek, right below the eye.
He also noticed small bruises and bite marks up his neck, and on his collar bone, a large bite mark on his shoulder near his neck, scabbed over where blood had been drawn from it before.
He noticed shattered glass from a bottle of alcohol that had fallen to the ground, and a visible crack on the back of David's guitar that laid on the ground.

Daniel pieced bits and pieces of the puzzle together, with the little recollection of the night before he had, and just guessed what just seemed fit the story.

He could safely assume the bite marks and bruises were from him, and recalled having a few bottles of alcohol as well in the mix of being angry at David for something, the glass was from him dropping it, or David slapping it out of his hand, and he could only assume that the crack on the guitar was from getting hit, which Daniel barely could remember, but would make sense because of his pounding headache.

Daniel looked at the pure terror on David's face again, and felt his heart shatter as David started to quietly cry in fear.

Daniel snapped out of his power crazed state of mind.

He expected to have David to obey his every god damn command.
Just because he felt powerful with his new discovery of the black magic.

And with this new sense of power, he hurt the dumb little redhead he loved most.
He hurt a kid, and made two little kids his little magic slaves.

Daniel carefully pulled David into a hug, not wanting to let go of this poor man he had broke down.
He felt like if he let go, David would shatter into little pieces he would never be able to piece together again.
He whispered small apologize that he knew wouldn't ever make up for what he did, or what he put David through.

He felt David's trembling die down till he just hung limp in his arms.
Daniel gently kissed David's forehead, whispering more apologizes to David.

David only pushed Daniel away after a moment, and looked at the blonde, the fear had now become a mixture of confusion and a slight anger, also a bit of annoyance when he remembered the shattered glass, only when he stepped right into the shards as he took a few steps back, feeling the shards dig into his bare feet.

"David! Watch out for the glass!"
Daniel scooped David up in his arms and placed him down on the bed.
Daniel then started to clean up the glass off the ground as David carefully picked the glass out of his feet, that were now bleeding.
After Daniel helped out David, and apologized numerous times, he soon went to apologize to the other two he needed to.

The magic dorks.

He grabbed the book and voodoo dolls and headed out towards their tent.

"Hey, dorks, take the book." Daniel said blankly as he dropped the book to the ground.
The two stared at the book, before looking at Daniel.

"You're giving us this thing?" Nerris asked with a yawn.

"Yep." Daniel grinned.
"You No longer need to help me too!"
He pulled out the voodoo dolls.
"Aaaaand you'll get these back too, right after I do this." He chuckled and smashed the two dolls heads together, causing the two to turn and smash into a quick kiss for less than a second before Daniel tossed them the dolls.
Nerris was left a flustered mess, as Harrison just stared at Daniel in disbelief of what just happened.

Daniel laughed and soon walked off, deciding to explain himself to David.

(Ahhhhh so yes, I'm going to be fixing all the brunette to redhead mistakes, I know David is a redhead, I didn't when I first started this book, but anyways, enjoy the chapter!)

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