Chapter 9.

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Jen stepped back, realizing who she had stabbed.
"Oh my! Daniel I am so so sorry!" She apologized, softening her once crazy look.
David could feel the blood slowly drip down his head from the cut right on his scalp, the pain mixed in with fear and sadness for a moment.
Before it faded fast into something he rarely felt.
Pure anger.
This poorly made Gwen clone came to camp, just to take away the one he had felt love for, tried to kill him and stabbed Daniel, and then tried to play innocent!
Rage bubbled up inside the man's body, the feeling of being scared and sad were pushed away by the feeling of pure hatred and rage.
Daniel slowly let go of David, reaching over and pulling out the dagger, causing blood to splatter on himself and on David.
"Jen.. what were you trying to do?" Daniel asked, looking at his 'friend'.
"Oh well he tried to attack me! He was trying to keep me away from you! And so I needed to fight back!" Jen lied.
"BULLSHIT." David stood up, glaring at the Gwen look alike.
Daniel looked over at him, shocked.
"That is complete bullshit!" David stumbled forwards a bit.
"You tried to kill me, and you were keeping Daniel away from me!" He snapped at her with a growl.
Daniel glared at Jen, who glared at David.
Suddenly, Jen darted towards David, punching him hard in the face. She was soon met with a hard kick to the stomach.
Daniel growled at the two and quickly tried to separate them.
This was met with Jen leaving a scratch mark or three across his face.
She shoved Daniel away and gripped David around the neck, causing David to violently swing his fist at her and kick her.
She slammed the green eyed man's face against the cabin wall hearing a crack come on impact.
Daniel grabbed Jen and pulled her into a tight hold, but not before she could slam David's head against the hard wood of the cabin.
"That's enough!" He growled, pulling her away.
She kicked and scratched Daniel, squirming around.
"David? Are you okay?" Daniel slowly approached the male who turned around to say something but had himself shut up by Jen, who punched his jaw and caused him to bite down on his tongue, hard.
He could taste the blood filling up in his mouth.
"JEN I SAID THATS ENOUGH." Daniel shoved the girl down to the ground and sat down on her so she couldn't move.
David spat out the blood that had filled his mouth. The brunette was completely covered in blood of his own, some of Daniel's as well.
His nose was bleeding and every cut was as well.
He slid down to sit against the cabin, crying in pain.
Everything hurt, he felt dizzy, he couldn't taste anything but blood. It was awful.
He thought things couldn't get any worse.
Oh he was very wrong.
Max had been watching the whole time with Nikki and Neil, the three kids watched as David cried on the ground, a bloody mess after he had just beat up Jen, or tried too.
After a few minutes the three kids ran to get Gwen, finally thinking to do something as their councilor sat there.
Daniel got off of Jen after a minute to go check on David, looking over every cut.
Gwen had bandages up the wound on his head and hand, and Daniel had to comfort David from his panic and pain.
Once he was bandaged up, Gwen left.
Daniel sighed and looked over at David, who just messed around with the bandages on his hand.
Daniel took David's hand, leaving a soft kiss where the cut was, he left a small kiss on his hurt nose, and a small kiss along the cut on his head.
He saw the hurt man smile, making him smile as well.
The cabin door opened and max walked in, holding a muffin.
"Oh great, he's awake still." Max sighed and walked over to David, shoving the muffin in his face.
"Take it." He looked at David.
David took the muffin, it was still warm.
"Did you make this?" He looked at Max.
"Yeah, I felt bad and it the only thing I can make, not don't think about it too much and don't tell anyone else, same thing go for you too, Daniel." Max said as he walked to the door.
"Thank you Max." David smiled.
"Don't mention it." Max left the cabin.
Daniel smiled. "He's actually a pretty good kid."
David nodded. "Yeah, he's a good kid, he just doesn't show it often." David said before he took a bite of the muffin.
It tasted amazing!
Max did a good job! Surprising to him, he didn't know someone so young could bake something so good.
He finished the muffin after a while, getting the small crumbs off his shirt.
He didn't notice Daniel looking through his drawer.
Daniel pulled out the pill bottle from the night before, trying to read the label.
'Happiness pills' was written in bold letters over the label but he could somehow still read the prescription.
Daniel felt his heart drop down to his stomach as he read the label.
Why would he need these?
He was the happiest man in the world.
Wasn't he?
"David.. are these yours..?" Daniel turned to him, holding the bottle of pills.
David's eyes widened and his smile dropped.
"Give those to me!" He snatched the bottle from his hand.
"David. Are they yours?" Daniel crossed his arms.
"Y-yes.." David  mumbled as he stared down at his hands.
Daniel pulled David into a hug, his eyes widening.
"Why do you need those..? You the happiest person on earth.." Daniel asked softly.
"It's a long story, and I'm too tired to say.." he lied.
"David, you're lying." Daniel sighed, it was obvious from the way he spoke that he wasn't telling the truth.
"It's all my fault, alright? It was me who sent everything down hill in my life and that's what caused all this." He whispered with a small sigh.
"How would it be your fault..?" Daniel looked at him, seeming actually worried for the man.
"I don't want to talk about it.."
David mumbles.
Daniel decided not to question it anymore, David seemed hurt, more ways than one. He cuddled David until he fell asleep, humming and gently rocking him from side to side.

(I hope you guys are enjoying the fact I'm updating more frequently! Also thank you so much for over 2k reads! That honestly means a lot, heck, I thought this would get 0 reads! Thank you all so so much!)

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